CH 6

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-Sunday morning-

Mina lazily opened her eyes while using her hand to block her face off the rays of sun shining through the window behind the couch where she had fallen asleep. She pulled herself up to sit but instantly regretted it upon feeling a terrible headache and it wasn't helping that the doorbell had been ringing for God knows how long. She forced herself off the couch and grumpily trudged towards the door.

"I'm coming dammit!" She shouted, her voice still soft as ever but a little hoarse.

She looked through the peephole then sighed before unlocking and opening the door.


Sana, looking aggravated, went straight inside without even uttering a word to Mina. She looked around and saw empty bottles of soju scattered all over the table and the carpeted floor. She turned around to face Mina with her arms crossed just below the chest.

Mina already knew she was in trouble so she tried to lighten up the mood even though she was not having a good one to begin with.

"Good morning, Sana-chan!" She said as cutely as she can, showing her signature gummy smile.

"Myoui Mina." Sana firmly said, her voice a little higher than usual.

Mina, knowing that her charm would not work this time, had her shoulder slumped as she made her way back to the couch while clutching her head.

"What the hell is wrong with you? We've been calling you nonstop last night! Then you turned your phone off! I was so worried! Aish!" Sana nagged like a mother to her daughter who did something terribly wrong.

"I'm sorry, Sana. I was just not in the mood to talk to anybody yesterday but I was honestly planning to call you today." Mina said, looking down at her hands.

Noticing Mina's poor state, Sana's façade softened, she sighed and took a sit next to Mina then she placed her hand on top of the younger's.

"Nevermind. I'm sorry too." She said, her voice softer this time.

"So--" She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "--you and Jisoo broke up?" Her tone laced with sympathy.

Mina nodded in response.

"How did you find out? Did she talk to you?"

"No, Momo and Lisa met up yesterday so you know." Sana said.


Sana lightly squeezed Mina's hand and then leaned her head on top of the latter's shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?" she asked.

Mina also leaned her head against Sana's head. She told her friend everything that happened that night, from the party until that dramatic ending of her and Jisoo's relationship. Sana nodded in understanding every now and then while Mina was relaying the story.

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