CH 26

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Nayeon came back from the washroom with a basin half-filled with lukewarm water and a small towel hanging on her forearm. She carefully placed the basin atop the beside table, then sat on the edge of the bed and gently tucked away loose strands of hair off Mina's face.

"I remember the last time you'd been like this. It was that time we had a big fight and you told me 'I'm so done with you Im Nayeon!', " Nayeon said softly, smiling as she pondered on those bittersweet memories she had with Mina. She dipped the towel in the basin and squeezed water out of it, then she started wiping Mina's face. "Then I took care of you, and then we made up, and then the next day we were back to normal like nothing even happened."

Nayeon took off Mina's external clothes and accessories before she proceeded to wipe clean the younger's limbs. After about 10 minutes, Nayeon, although struggling, finally managed to clean and put Mina into her pajamas. She just sat there and admire the sleeping beauty right in front her, thinking it might be the last time she'd get to do that.

"How I wish things were as easy and simple as before. I miss you so much, my Minari..." Nayeon cupped Mina's face, caressing it with the thumb of her hand. She leaned down and stopped when her face was an inch apart from Mina's, "I still love you..", tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

And with that, she closed the gap between them. It was a kiss deep enough to convey how badly she missed the girl, deep enough to convey how much she longed to taste Mina's lips again and deep enough to convey how much she still loves her.

Mina groaned and frowned a little, still sleeping. Nayeon pulled back.

"I always have and always will," she whispered, planting a kiss onto Mina's lips again. "I will never stop loving you, Mina..."

Nayeon kissed her one last time as a single tear dropped out of the corner her eye. She was about to pull back when she felt the younger's lips moved. Mina put a hand at the back of Nayeon's head, putting pressure into the kiss. Nayeon was shocked at the sudden action, but she didn't pull away. She was rather elated. Mina's mouth tasted like alcohol but she didn't care, she loved everything about the girl anyway. Nayeon was feeling all kinds of emotion at that very moment and she felt like she was about to burst. Lust and longing taking over her body, she abruptly pulled away from the steamy kiss, took off her top and plunged back into kissing the half-awake, half-unconscious Mina in just a matter of seconds. Mina's hands sluggishly wandered at the small of Nayeon's back, waist, thigh, everywhere. She weakly pushed the older and positioned herself on top of her, parting away from Nayeon's mouth and leaving trails of kisses on her cheek, jaw, neck down the collarbone. Nayeon's eyes were shut closed as her thought process went haywire from pleasure, and then suddenly, she felt the intensity died down, she opened her eyes, looked down and saw that Mina wasn't moving anymore.

'She fell asleep' Nayeon thought. She sighed and chuckled as she embraced Mina and gave her a lingering kiss on the top of her head.


The warm rays of sun shone brightly through the windows, filling the whole room with light. Mina woke up with throbbing headache as she rolled onto her side preventing sun rays from hurting her eyes. Then, she shoot up from her bed when she heard noises coming from the other side of the room.

"What the heck?" She mumbled to herself, as she groggily made her way out of the bedroom.

As soon as she opened the door, Mina stood frozen right on the spot.

"Good morning, drunkard," Nayeon cheekily greeted with a bright smile on her face.

Mina watched as Nayeon carefully transferred hotdogs and scrambled egg from the pan to the plate.

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