CH 18

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She kept running and running as if the road was neverending, she was sweating profusely and her legs were starting to feel numb. She pushed herself even further and when her knees were about to buckle, she got suddenly pulled down on a black portal right below her feet. Freefalling to God knows where, she closed her eyes ready to meet her demise, but then everything seemed to have stopped. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was standing back on her feet. She looked around her surroundings and noticed that there are two opposite paths, instinct kicked in and she knew she had to choose one. The path that would get her out of that maze, the path that would lead to the end of the road. Not far ahead, she saw two lone figures waiting by the end of each path. She couldn't see their faces as a very bright light was shining over each figure. She closed her eyes once again and let her heart choose the path for her. She felt her whole body turned to the right direction, she opened her eyes and started walking towards the figure waiting by the end of the road. An arm's length away, she halted then she reached out her hand until it touched the figure's shoulder. The light was slowly lifting up to reveal the figure's visual, when she suddenly heard a voice calling out for her...

"Mina chan~"



"What the heck? Sana?"

An invisible thing hit her at the back and the next thing she knows, she was falling down face first and right before she hit the ground, her eyes popped opened.

"You're finally awake!"

Mina groaned as the weight of Sana, who was straddling her from the back, finally sunk in. The latter started showering her with kisses all over her head and on her exposed cheek. Mina clasped her phone from beside the pillow, pressed its home button and opened one eye to check the time, groaning once again.

"Jesus Christ Sana! It's only 8 o'clock!" Mina tried to shake Sana off her back.

"I know."

"What the heck are you doing here this early morning?" Mina asked, obviously irritated.

Sana got off Mina's and laid down beside the younger instead. "Aww why so grumpy, Minari?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

"I'm excited to hear bout what happened to your heart-to-heart talk with Nayeon." Sana said, her beautiful orbs showed glint of excitement.

"That can't wait till, I don't know, afternoon or something? It's Saturday you know."


Mina huffed, closing her eyes. "How did you even get in?"

"Uh hello? You gave me your spare key last time when you were having such a bad hangover you couldn't even get your pretty ass off the couch. Remember?"

"Ugh I don't even wanna remember."

The sound of the doorbell pierced throughout the apartment.


Sana rolled out of the bed and opened the door for Momo, who was holding one big plastic bag full of varieties of chips and drinks she bought at the convenience store across the street.

Momo placed the bag on top of the mini bar and ran towards Mina's bedroom.

Upon seeing Momo maniacally grinning at her, Mina quickly pulled the comforter up her head. She knew the older Japanese girl was about to 'molest' her.

Momo excitedly jumped on the bed and pulled the cover off of Mina, then she laid down on the side hugging the younger like a bolster, kissing her on the cheek and head like what Sana did. Not long after, Mina felt a pressure on the other side of the bed, it was Sana.

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