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-One week after, Monday-

"You two haven't hung out with us for awhile so I'm really happy that you accepted my invitation." Sana declared, all smiles.

Sana along with Dahyun, Momo, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are currently spending their breaktime at their favorite café across JYP Academy.

"Yeah we've been really busy with preparations, meetings and stuff for you know, the party." Chaeyoung said.

"I know right. My little Dubu here didn't have much time for me either." Sana let out an exaggerated sigh and pouted.

"Aww.. Don't worry baby, after this week, I'm all yours." Dahyun cooed while cradling Sana's head and gently patting her cheek.

Momo rolled her eyes as her nose scrunched up in disgust, while Chaeyoung and Tzuyu subtly glanced at each other, embarrassed. Hearing their friend say such words just never failed to amaze them, in an odd way that is.

"Get a room." Momo deadpanned.

Sana clicked her tongue and shot back, "Look who's talking. Why are you even here? Where's your babe?"

Momo shrugged, "I don't know," she nonchalantly said.

"Oh that's new."

"I also wanna spend time with our maknaes here y'know," Momo added. She winked at Chaeyoung, who ducked her head as a blush slowly crept up her cheeks. Momo had been really friendly to her ever since they accidentally bumped into each other last week; Momo's ice cream dropped on the floor so Chaeyoung treated her to an ice cream parlor that very same day as an apology.

"Eww stop hitting on her, Mo!" Sana scolded Momo, glaring. Her blunt remark totally shocked everyone in that table.

Dahyun covered her mouth as she almost spat out her drink when she snorted, Chaeyoung blushed even harder, while Tzuyu literally facepalmed at the non-stop banter of the two Japanese girls. It suddenly made her wonder how Mina managed to handle being around these two for years.

'Mina,' Tzuyu reprimanded herself for even thinking about her. Now, she's feeling sulky. Great.

"YAH! I am not –" Momo stopped her protest midway. She perked her head up, looking straight to the café's entrance, "NAYEON!" she yelled while vigorously waving her hand up in the air, gaining everybody's attention.

The girls in the table simultaneously looked to where Momo was looking. Indeed, Nayeon was there, who seemed like a bit surprised to see them in there as well. She waved back in return, then she turned around and reached out her hand to grab someone's hand, who eventually emerged out of the door soon after.

"Mina." Tzuyu mumbled under her breath. Chaeyoung heard this and she felt bad for her friend.

"Mina-yah!" Sana called out.

Tzuyu watched as Nayeon gently held Mina's hand and led her to their table. Everything went by in slow-mo and she could feel her heart racing.

Oh right. MiNayeon had gotten back together.

As soon as the pair reached their table, Sana and Momo got up from their seat and engulfed Mina in a hug, and did a cheek-to-cheek with Nayeon.

"Mina, what are you doing here? I thought you'd be staying home? Are you feeling better now?" Sana bombarded Mina with questions, while Momo placed the back of her hand onto Mina's forehead. Both girls seemed to be worried.

"You're still a little hot." Momo confirmed.

"You're sick?" Tzuyu blurted out, subconsciously. She flinched after realizing what she just did. Now, all girls are staring at her. Spell A-W-K-W-A-R-D. So much for having a good time, she thought.

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