CH 8

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The Japanese beauties decided to spend their weekends at Mina's apartment. They were on the living room watching some English movies Sana had downloaded for them. Halfway through the second movie, all three wasn't paying attention anymore and was all busy doing something else. Sana was texting with a big toothy smile plastered on her cute face, giggling every now and then; Momo was having an intimate session with her beloved jokbal, munching on it while staring off into space, probably imagining Jeongyeon as jokbal?; Mina, however, looked like she was about to murder someone as she was frowning too much looking very unhappy with something.

Sana, being the observant and caring friend she was, noticed Mina's demeanor. She carelessly dropped her phone inside her bag as she straightened herself up to talk to Mina. "Minari? Are you okay?"

"I need to find a new partner." Mina said while massaging her temple. She was having a migraine.

"Again?" Sana raised an eyebrow questionably.

"I barely made it throughout the week with all these people disturbing my daily life. I mean, it's not that I don't appreciate the admiration and stuffs I'm receiving, but you know, too much could be really annoying. Everyday my social media accounts are being bombarded with messages and even my personal number. I don't even know how they managed to get my number in the first place –", Mina paused, she heaved a deep sigh as she messed her own hair.

Momo stopped munching on her jokbal while listening to Mina's rant, she placed a hand on the latter's thigh trying to give her encouragement.

"-- it's just that it feels suffocating losing my personal space and privacy."

Sana and Momo couldn't help but nod in agreement because they both knew so damn well how it feels like to have a bunch of fans trying to get their attention on a daily basis. It had been like an unwritten rule that whenever any of them was in a relationship, nobody was allowed to personally flirt with them.

"So I need a new partner. A solid one this time."

"I know someone who'd be more than willing to take the position." Momo said with a sly smile.

M/ina, as if knowing what was on Momo's mind, shot a death glare at her. "Don't even."

Momo threw her hands in the air signaling defeat.

"I think I know someone." Sana said while rubbing her chin, contemplating about something.

MiMo looked at Sana expectantly. "Who?"

"Tzuyu. Chou Tzuyu."

"Chou Tzuyu..." Momo said, to no one in particular.

"You know her, Mo?" Mina said.

Momo went stoic, trying to remember where she heard that name.

"AHH! She's that sophomore student Jeongyeon and Jihyo were talking about last time!" Momo exclaimed, raising her index finger up as if remembering the right answer to a hard examination question.

"She is friends with Dahyun so I get to hang out with her sometimes." Sana added.

"I've seen her around. She's so pretty and tall like a model!" Momo said.

"Yeah she is. Some students even call her the Taiwanese Goddess."

"How come you've never seen her before, Minari?" Momo asked as she took a sip from her soda. Mina just shrugged nonchalantly.

Sana reached out for her bag and rummaged inside it until she found her mobile phone. She pressed and swiped for a little less than a minute trying to search for something.

"Found it! Here." She held her phone in front of Mina's face. "That's her beside Chaeyoung."

"Oh she's friends with Son Chaeyoung also?" Mina asked, still staring at the photo, zooming it a little bit to get a better view.

"They're best friends." Sana said.

"Speaking of! Why not just go for that smol bean instead?" Momo butted in. "She's cute and she likes Mina."

"Exactly the reason why she's out of the option." Sana said. She looked at her phone one more time before turning it off and settling it down on top of the table. "She will just end up like those ex-partners of Mina."

Momo stretched her arms and legs then lay down on the couch with her head on Mina's lap.

"But Minari likes her too, right?" Momo said, looking straight up at Mina with that innocent clueless face of hers.

Mina chuckled and ruffled Momo's hair.

"I do like her but not in that way. I admire her because she's very talented, that's all."

Momo just pouted. "Aww."

"So, want me to hook you up with Tzuyu?" Sana asked.

Mina thought about it for a second before saying, "Well if she really is THAT pretty then she must be taken already, no?"

Sana made some cute audible sounds then shook her head.

"Aniyo. She do have a lot of admirers though but she is still single." She said.


"Yeah. I asked her before and she said that she is not interested being in a relationship right now cause she want to focus on her studies first." Sana explained.

"Omo! What an admirable student, but boring." Momo said, laughing.

"Momoring!" Sana glared at Momo. "Anyway, I think she's the perfect match for you, Mina."

Mina leaned back on the couch and looked out the window.

"Chou Tzuyu huh.."

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