CH 10

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Tzuyu slowly closed her locker door and when she was about to turn around, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Chou Tzuyu?"

Both Tzuyu and Chaeyoung turned their body around.

"Hi! Good afternoon!"

Tzuyu almost jumped back from surprise after being face to face with the owner of the voice. Her and Chaeyoung had their mouth hanging open slightly especially the latter who has a huge crush to the girl infront of them. 'Isn't she...? Mina.' she thought.

Mina put on a soft smile on her face as she looked directly into Tzuyu's eyes. Tzuyu felt it again, she felt like the world suddenly stopped and her heart started to race. Reason? She didn't know why. She shook her head slightly to snap herself out of it.

"H-hi?" Tzuyu stuttered. Confusion spreading over her face.

Noticing Tzuyu's reaction, Mina moved one step backward.

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry." She said and bowed. She extended her right arm to offer a handshake to Tzuyu, "Myoui Mina."

Tzuyu who was still confused, shot Chaeyoung a questioning look, who just shrugged in response. She returned her gaze back to Mina and hesitantly took the older's hand.

"Uh yeah, we know who you are since... you know... you're kinda popular in this school." Tzuyu boldly said. Chaeyoung gave her a nudge on the side.

"Oh." Mina foolishly grinned while massaging her nape.

"Anyway, yes I am Chou Tzuyu and this is my bestfriend, Son Chaeyoung." Tzuyu introduced as she finally gained her composure back.

"Hello Mina sunbae." Chaeyoung greeted with a shy smile, slight blush creeping over her face. Tzuyu almost rolled her eyes and laughed at her friend.

Mina looked at Chaeyoung, "Hey Chaeyoung, it's been awhile. Please just call me Mina."

"You know me?" Chaeyoung asked with wide eyes as she pointed her index finger to herself.

"Uh-huh." Mina nodded, "Who wouldn't know such a talented artist slash rapper as yourself?" she said with a wink.

Chaeyoung suddenly felt weak at the knees. She was elated to know that her crush, her one and only crush, knew her after all and even complimented her. She held onto Tzuyu's arm because she was afraid she was going to collapse soon and she didn't want to embarrass herself infront of Mina.

Tzuyu frowned at her friend then she cleared her throat. "So...?"

"Going home now?" Mina asked.

The three girls started walking along the hallway; Chaeyoung was in the middle, tzuyu on her left while Mina on her right.

"Not yet." Tzuyu simply answered.

"We're going to that café outside the school just to pass time while waiting for my dad to pick me up." Chaeyoung elaborated.

"Can I tag along? I mean if that's okay?" Mina asked, glancing back and forth between the other two girls.

"Of course!" Chaeyoung was quick to answer which earned her a hit on the thigh by Tzuyu.

"Where are your friends?" Tzuyu questioned. She found the whole situation suspicious. Why would Mina suddenly come up to them being so friendly and wanted to even spend time with them? It didn't make sense to her so she made a mental note to ask Mina later on about her true intention.

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