CH 7

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"Good morning my chingu." Tzuyu greeted as she sat down on her usual chair next to Chaeyoung.

The two girls usually come to school 30 minutes early before their first class start so they would have enough time to do forgotten homework or just to chit-chat with one another.

"Morning." Chaeyoung nonchalantly replied, she was busy typing something on her phone.

Tzuyu noticed her friend's gloomy aura. She put her right leg over the left as she rested an arm on top of their desk, turning a little towards Chaeyoung's direction and giving the latter her full attention.

"Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Tzuyu asked, staring at Chaeyoung's side profile.

"Huh?" Chaeyoung said, not really paying much attention to Tzuyu.

"Pouting much? Your lips about to kiss the screen of your phone." Tzuyu teasingly said with a small laugh.

Chaeyoung shoved her phone inside her bag, ignoring Tzuyu's comment.

"You seem to be in a bad mood today. What's up?" Tzuyu asked. Her face now serious than it was moments ago.

"Dahyunnie!" Chaeyoung hissed.

"What about her?"

"I should've gone to that party. She kept teasing me. She told me Sana unnie introduced her to Mina-ssi and that they talked and that they played games and that---" Chaeyoung said, pouting and flailing her arms like a kid having a tantrum.

Tzuyu rolled her eyes.

Of course, Mina again, the main source of Chaeyoung's happiness and frustration, Tzuyu thought.

"Too late for regrets now." Tzuyu cut her off.

"Hais." Chaeyoung let it go.

"Anyway, is it true?" Tzuyu asked.


"I overheard some students talking about them. I mean Mina and Jisoo."

"Ah yeah they broke up. Mina-ssi must have been feeling so sad."

Tzuyu gave a disapproving look at Chaeyoung then scoffed. "Yeah right." Tone full of sarcasm.

"So she really is a player and a heartbreaker." Tzuyu added, she shrugged and started checking her newly polished fingernails.

"We don't even know the full story." Chaeyoung defensively said.

"Oh please Chaeng no need to defend her. Everybody knows she has broken many hearts before and for sure she is also the one who initiated the break up now with Jisoo sunbae." Tzuyu said, one eyebrow raised.

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