Out in the Open

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All of my books are so personal to me, I pour my heart and soul into them because they are how I cope with life. They each have an underlying meaning of something I was/am struggling with at the time that I wrote them.

Cat on The Balcony is fear of judgement

The Ghøst series is helplessness

Fruit Snacks is fear of the future and anxiety getting in the way of it

(Not) Your Guardian is feeling under appreciated

Life's Essence is feeling like I have no control over anything in my life

Abditory is feeling two faced when I interact with different groups of people. Like one side of life I'm living is a lie.

I know there's probably several other people out there stealing my works, and the thought literally makes me sick. These aren't just "stories" or "fan fiction" to me, these are markers of where I was at in life when I was writing them. These books are like my children. And people are stealing them and exploiting them all for attention, they don't know the true depth and meaning behind the books.

So I'm sharing that now, I've always been secretly bearing my soul and struggles to you guys through these stories, but here it all is now. Out in the open, blunt and plain to see.

Please, don't steal my stories, because it's like you're stealing a piece of me.

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