Chapter 2

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"Lisa." "Lisa." "Babe!" Shawn always calls me 'babe' or 'honey', it is just our thing. "Mmhm" I say sleepy. "I need to go." "Nooo" and I put my arms around his neck, I lay on him.

My head is by his head and my arms are around his neck. "You're getting too heavy for me darling." "You lie" I say. He smiles and gives a kiss on my cheek. "You're so ugly" he says.

I lay my hand on his face. "I am prettier than you" I smirk. "You wish." I roll my eyes and whisper something in his ear. It gives him goosebumps. "Lisa, I need to go other wise my mom becomes really mad." "Shawn no stay." I hold him tougher. He squeezes in my butt. "Nice ass."

I look at him. I go with my hand under his sweater, I touch his sixpack. "Nice sixpack." His hand touches my hand. "Nice isn't it?" he smirks. I smile and give him a kiss on his cheek. "Very nice" I whisper in his ear. "Lisa c'mon! You don't want my mother to be mad!" That's true, Karen Shawn's mother only likes me, if Shawn gets a girlfriend he will get it hard.

I sigh and stand up. "It was so warm." He heads to me and gives me a hug and a kiss on my forhead. "Bye babe." He heads to my balcony door and opens it. I wave at him. "Bye Shawn!" "Bye Lisa!"

He heads to his own room and stands on his own balcony now. He waves at me for the last time and then I close my door. I see that Shawn's light is on. He takes his shirt off and I look at him. His body is so amazing. A girl who gets a relationship with him is so lucky.

Shawn sees I'm looking at him. He heads to his window and he slowly takes his pants off. I turn my head sideways and when I look again he has taken it on again. I roll my eyes and close my curtains.

I make my homework and before I know it's 11 pm. I look through my messages and Shawn has sent me one. "Can I sleep at your place? My mom is mad at me again, I had a C for math." I feel so sorry for him. I text something back. "Of course you can come! Then we are going to have a movie night!"

Before I know I hear someone knocking on my door. I slide my curtains away and open my balcony door. "Come in." He nods and enters my room. He lifts me up. "I missed my best friend." He let's go of me and then he gives me a hug. "Missed you too" and I give him a kiss on his cheek.

"No we are going to watch this movie!" I scream. "No Lisa! This one or I leave!" I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fine" I say mad. "Babe don't be mad." He pulls me closer to his chest. "I don't want you to be mad." I ignore him. "Babe!" "What Shawn?" I sigh. He gives me a friendly push. "I don't want you to be mad." "I don't want to watch this stupid movie."

Shawn stands up and leaves my room. What is he doing? I head downstairs and see Shawn standing in the kitchen. "Ehm what are you doing?" "Well, I have read on the internet as girls are mad give them food then they will be happy again." I roll my eyes. "You're so weird, do you know that?" He nods. "Just as weird as you, that's why we are best friends." He has a point.

I head back to my room and he comes back with a lot of food and a cup of tea. Shawn wears no shirt and I lay on his chest. We are laying in my bed watching a movie. I don't know the name of it, but I can tell you that's boring as fuck.

Some people think it's weird that I do this with Shawn. Laying on his chest etc. But I don't know, I am used to it.

I close my eyes and Shawn is going through my hair. It makes me so sleepy. With his other hand he is caressing my arm. I lay my hand on Shawn's stomach. "Cold!" he says. I smirk. He stops everything he is doing. "Shawn! Continue!" He shakes his head. "First your hands need to lay somewhere else, it's too cold."

I stand up and he is looking weird at me. I head as fast as I can to downstairs and grab a blanket. My mom enters the house. "Oh hey mom, Shawn and I are upstairs." She nods. "Don't do anything crazy okay?" I sigh and shake my head. "We are friends mom!" "Mhm, they all saying that." "Bye." And I head back to my room.

"Here." I throw a blanket to him. I look at his body. "Thanks." I still look at him and get a smile on my face. "Lisa? Are you still coming or?" "W-what?" "Come!" I smile and head to him. He open his arms for me.

I lay my head back on his chest and the blanket lays over Shawn and me. It's so warm, the perfect friday night.

I grab Shawn's hand and lay it on my arm. "What do you want?" "Tickle me." He nods and tickles my arm. He gives a kiss on my forhead and I close my eyes. I lay my hand on his chest and this time it's warm. "Goodnight honey" he gives a kiss on my cheek and he goes through my hair. Before I know I fall a sleep.

I wake up and Shawn is still sleeping. His arms are tough around me. I grab a pillow and hit him with it. "Wake up!" He startles awake and looks so worried. "Lisa! Are you okay?" I laugh. "Chill, I only hit you with a pillow, c'mon we need to eat."

I want to walk away but Shawn grabs my hand. "No stay please." He pulls me back in bed. "Shawn, we need to do a lot of th-." "Ssst, don't talk that much" he lays his hand on my mouth.

I roll my eyes and grab his hand and lay it down. "Do you want an egg?" He nods. "See you downstairs."

I stand up and head to the bathroom to clean up my face. I turn around and see Shawn. "Jesus." "I'm not Jesus, I'm Shawn nice to meet you!" I look straight in his beautiful eyes. I scrape my throat. "Let's go."

He follows me to downstairs and I bake an egg for him. "Here you go." "Thanks babe" and he gives a kiss on my cheek.

Suddenly the doorbell rings. "Did you invite someone?" Shawn shakes his head. "Weird." I head to the front door and open it.

Oh god, why now?

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