Chapter 3

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I look at her. "What are you doing here?" I ask as friendly as I can. "I'm here for Shawn" she chews too loudly on her gum, it's so annoying.

People meet Veronica Crawford, her father is the mayor of the town and because of that she thinks she is everything. She is a pretty girl: brown hair, ocean blue eyes, her teeth are brighter than my future. But her personality? Nah, she is a real bitch. Nobody likes her. Since Shawn and I are best friends she is jealous. She suddenly has a crush on him.

"Shawn!" I scream. "Yes?" "Can you come, there is a vistor." "Okay!" I hear Shawn's footsteps and before I know he stands by my side. "V-veronica? What are you doing here?" he says amazed. "How about a date? You and me?" Shawn laughs as hard as he can. "You're so funny, I don't date sluts, bye Veronica" and he closes the door.

I feel a happy feeling in my body, I am happy he doesn't want to date her. Shawn heads back to the kitchen and finishes his breakfast.

I stand behind him and put my arms around his neck and give him a kiss on his cheek. He turns around and puts his hands on my waist. He pulls me to his chest, so that means I sit on his thigh now.

I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. This is the perfect moment, just the two of us, alone in this house. He caresses my arm, then my phone goes off. "Nooo" I sigh. I want to accept my phone call but Shawn is faster than me. "Don't stand up, stay here, on my chest" he whispers. My heart is beating faster, what the hell? I have never felt this way before. It's probably nothing.

He pulls me back to his chest and holds me tough. "Babe, you're so beautiful." I look at him. "I am what?" "Ugly" he winks.

I give him a push, stand up and head to my room. I look who has called me; Brandon. Why has Brandon called me? That isn't him? We don't have any contact. "Shawn!" I scream. Before I know he stands in my room. "What?" I show him my phone screen. "Why has Brandon called me?" Shawn shakes his head. "Why should I know?" "Well, you're popular at school and he is popular too and you guys hang out together, right?"

Shawn nods and he grabs my phone. "Hey! Give back!" I say. He runs to the bathroom and locks it. "Shawn! Now!" How am I going to solve this? I have an idea.

I hit the door a couple of times. "Shawn!" I pretend that I cry. I sit against a wall and I'm 'crying.' Shawn hears it and he walks as fast as he can to me.

"Lisa? Lisa! Are you okay?" he asks worried. I still don't give him an answer. "Honey please." He puts his arms around my neck and holds me very tough. "I don't want you to be sad, I want my happy best friend back." He gives me a kiss on my cheek and rubs over my back.

I look at him and laugh. "Gotcha." I grab my phone and head downstairs. "Lisa!" Shawn screams. I hear he is following me.

I head to the kitchen and Shawn is across of me. "What did you do on my phone?" I ask. He doesn't give me an answer. "Shawn, what did you do?" I head to him and he looks down at the ground. I lift with my finger his chin up so he has to look at me. His beautiful brown eyes are looking in my green eyes. "I wanted to call him back, but I heard you crying and I had no idea what to do, I thought something terrible has happened" he looks really worried.

"Hey, you don't have to be worried okay?" I give him a hug. "I'll save myself." He looks at me. "So you don't need me?" I shake my head. "It's impossible to live without you, Shawn you're the most important thing in my whole life." He gives me a kiss on my forhead. "You're important for me too, babe."

"Bye Lisa, see you soon!" I wave at him. "Bye." He heads to his own balcony. In 5 seconds he is in his own room. I grab my notebook and write something down: goodluck with your mom. He smiles at me and shows me his thumb. I close my curtains and lay on my bed. So happy to have him in my life.

I hear my mom coming home and before I know she is in my room. "Ehm? Never heard of knocking?" She smiles at me, this is so creepy. "Eehm, mom? Everything okay?" "So how was Shawn?" she says. "How was he? What do you mean?" While I say that I drink my water. "How was the sex!" I choke in my water and cough very hard.

She still looks at me. "Mom! What the hell! We didn't have sex! We are only best friends, not more than that!" "The way you guys look at each other, oh Lisa this is real love, Karen told me that Shawn is always at your place, do you guys have a secret relationship?" "Mom oh my god! Who are you the FBI? I don't have a relationship with him! I already told you that Shawn and I are friends! Jesus, in this time boys can't be friends with girls anymore."

"Mhmm, I see you guys later" and she leaves. I sigh. Why is everyone thinking that we have a relationship, I don't even like him!

I keep thinking about Brandon, I can't deny it, I have a crush on him since first grade.

I head to my bathroom to take a shower and when I'm done I put my bathrobe on. I head back to my own room and see Shawn sitting on my bed, he is crying. Is he faking it?

"Shawn?!" I run to him. I doubt for no second and give him a hug. "Hey, what's wrong?" I feel my shoulders are getting wet. "I-i can't do this anymore Lisa." "Doing what?" I ask quietly. "My mom, she hates me." I rub over his back. "She doesn't." He looks at me.

His eyes are red and swollen up. I wipe his tears away and caress with my thumb his cheek. "It's going to be okay, I promise" I give a kiss on his forhead.

We are looking in each other eyes now. My eyes are going down to his lips. They are so perfect. Lisa no, stop. He is your best friend! I give him a smile and he lays his head on my thigh.

He is looking at the ceiling and I look in his eyes. I play with his hair. "So strange that we hated each other" he says. I nod. "Yes, it was kinda funny, wasn't it?" I laugh. He nods. "The first time I was at your place, I remember that you said to your mom that you hated me and that I had to leave." I laugh. "Yes, I remember that."

He stands up and grabs my hand. "I am so glad that we are friends, best friends, I think I wouldn't survive this without you." I look at him.

"I'm glad too" and give him a kiss on his cheek.

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