Chapter 20

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I turn around and look straight into his eyes. "Why do you even care?" I ask and walk into my house. "Because I'm your best friend." I laugh and turn around. "Remember that moment when you were mad at me for no reason? No you don't? Because I do."

He looks down at the ground. "I'm sorry okay, I just didn't feel well at the moment." "You became mad at me for no fucking reason! You can tell me antything, even if you like someone or not, Shawn I'll always support you, I thought you knew that." "I know and I'm stupid."

"So do you like here?" "What?" I roll my eyes. "Do you like Lexi?" He shrugs. "I don't know, she is an amazing girl, but I-i don't know" he sighs. "Well, you're young so you have all the time" I wink. He smiles a little.

"Lisa I'm truly sorry I was so hard." "It's okay, but I have to go, school starts tomorrow and I want to be prepared." He nods and leaves. "I'll pick you up tomorrow okay?" I shake my head. "Isn't necessary, Lucas already picks me up." I see the dissapointmend in his eyes, but at the moment I don't feel sorry for him, he ditched me and now I do the same.

"Okay then, bye." I wave at him and close the front door. "Mom!" I yell. "Yes?" "Can you bake pancakes? I'm hungry." "You're old enough to do it yourself, ask Shawn over, then you can cook together." She smiles and leaves. "Where are you going to?" "Karen, bye!" I sigh and take a seat on the couch.

I'm too lazy to cook and besides I can't even cook, if I cook I'll burn the whole house down, and I'm not joking. I walk to the kitchen and grab an apple, better than nothing. I call Lucas and ask him to come over, he says he is on his way.

After 10 minutes I hear the doorbell ringing. I open the door and see Lucas. "Hey" he smiles. "Hey come!" He walks into my house and looks around. "Like I said, nothing has changed." "True." "What do you want to drink?" "Water, please." I nod and walk to the kitchen.

"Here you go" I give him the glass with water. "Thank you." "So are you also going back to our High School?" He nods. "I'm so excited to finally see everyone again, it's been such a long time ago!" "True, I bet they all missed you." "Why did this sound so sarcastic?" "Because I was" I wink.

He places his glass on the table and walks to my direction. "You-!" "Me what?" I laugh. He laughs and tickles me. "Lucas! You know I hate that!" I laugh and scream. "I don't care." He continues and before I know I lay on the ground. "S-stop" I say out of breathe still laughing.

Our faces are so close to each other. We look into each others eyes, I can't help it and laugh. Before I know he kisses me. I don't stop him or pull back. "S-sorry that was stupid of m-me" he falters. I shake my head and place my head on his cheek. "No, it wasn't, it was just the moment." I remember when Shawn said that when we kissed..

"True" he laughs. He stands up and helps me to get up. "I was wondering, can you make pancakes?" "Are you kidding?! Of course I can!" "Well, do you want to make some?" I ask him with my puppy eyes. He rolls his eyes. "Okay, only for you!" I clap in my hands. "You're the best!" and give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Here you go" he gives me the pancakes. "That looks good, damn, can I hire you?" "$5 an hour" he winks. "Deal!" I smile. I eat my pancakes and check my social media, nothing special happened.

After I ate my pancakes I walk back to the kitchen and put the bord in the dishwasher.

"I want to show you something" he says after a while. "What?" "Put your shoes and jacket on." I nod and put them on. "Follow me" he grabs my hand and we walk down the streets. "Lucas it's very late." "10 pm, you call that late?" "School starts tomorrow!" He shrugs. "This is way better than school." "Just trust me." I nod and walk further.

We arrive at an open spot with a lake. "Wow" I look around. "Beautiful isn't it?" "Yes." I'm still speechless. "Come" he grabs my hand again and we walk to a bench. "Look up." I look up and there are so many stars, this is unreal. The stars, the crickets, just everything here is perfect.

"Do you like it?" "I love it" I say quietly. I turn around and look at Lucas. "Remember our first date?" he asks quietly. "Of course I do, how can I forget that?" "You showed me the stars" I say quietly. "Just like now" he says. "So what does this mean?" I ask. "I guess this is a second date?" he laughs.

"Lucas, this is amazing" I hug him thightly. To be honest I missed Lucas, he was a good guy for me, and he always will be. He grabs my hand and takes me with him to the lake. "Lisa!" he says and I turn around. Before I know he throws water in my face. "Lucas!" I yell and laugh.

He laughs and turns around. I walk slowly to his direction and want to push him into the water but he grabs my wrist so we both end up falling into the water. "I'm not falling alone" he laughs. "This wasn't a part of my plan!" "Well, moving away from you wasn't a part of my plan" he says quietly.

I swim closer to him and put my arms around his neck. "And is this a part of your plan?" I kiss him and he smiles through the kiss. "Oh you have no idea." I roll my eyes and he pulls me closer. I run my fingers through his hair and he kisses me again.

"Lisa do you want to be mine again?"

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