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We followed Nickolas deep into the woods. He and Todd seemed to know where to go and where to step but the rest of us were some how quieter than the two men who knew these woods best. It was getting dark when we stopped and spotted a deer grazing by a stream. Adam took silent aim and the arrow shot from his hand to meet the deer's heart. It staggered a few steps and then fell over dead. Adam whispered something as he walked forwards to pull the arrow from he deer's body. Todd and his son hung it from a tree so we could haul it back when we came back and they showed us to an abandoned cabin in the woods. They opened it and let us walk around. 

Apparently it was theirs and they used it for when they went hunting during the winter since the days were so much shorter compared to the long summer days. We laid out cot on the floor and spent the night at the cabin. In the morning we followed the tracks of several jack rabbits and one of us even shot an owl. It was when we were going back home when trouble made our good fortune turn bad. 

A bear had found the deer we had left hanging in a tree and was eating it. When it heard us it growled and we froze in place. Adam carefully threaded an arrow into his bow and took aim at the bear, which was on its hind legs and growling menacingly at us. The arrow whizzed by me and hit the bear in the shoulder. The bear let out a terrible roar and charged us. It swiped a massive paw at Joseph who jumped and ran back towards the cabin with the others. I brought up the back and tripped in my hurry. The bear was upon me in seconds and its claws tore my flesh and I let lose a blood curdling scream. 

Water and earth hit the bear in the chest and sent it reeling back and an arrow went through the skull. It fell dead but not before it had done much damage to me. I pressed a hand over a gushing wound and Adam knelt next to me. He dug through his bag and brought out many rags and tied them around my arm and shoulder and then around my middle and had me press my hand against the gushing wound while they helped me get to my feet. The pain was over whelming as we walked back to the cabin that we had stayed at the night before since it was closer and it was already starting to get dark. I was sat against a wall and the last thing I saw was Adam kneeling next to me with a bowl and a rag cleaning my wounds.

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