Telling the boys

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Drew- Drew was going on tour in a week so you and him knew you needed to tell the boys so when you were on the tour bus they didn't freak out that you were throwing up a lot. You called all the boys and asked if they could come over for dinner. Luckily they all could so you didn't have to explain it to them all individually. Drew and you had the idea to give them their drinks in baby bottles to break the news. When everyone arrived they came to the kitchen and started talking. "What do you guys want to drink," you asked. "Sweet tea, Dr Pepper, water." "Okay Drew why don't you hand them the food," you said while pouring the drink in the bottles. Oh handed each boy their drink and they looked at you dumb founded. "Y/n why are they in baby bottles," asked Levi. "She is pregnant stupid," exclaimed Nate giving you a hug.

Nate- Nate wanted to tell the boys in a creative way when all you wanted to do was tell them. He decided that you should have them all over for game night. While playing pictionary  with the boys Nate tapped you on the knee when it was your turn. You drew a pregnant women and drew an arrow pointing to your stomach. When you turned it around they all gasped Drew tackled Nate saying congratulations over and over again.

Levi - you and Levi decided to do it with Pokéballs. The next day you went to the studio with Levi and handed Nate, Drew, and Austin a Pokéball. "Y/n why did you hand us a Pokéball," asked Drew. "Just open the ball and you will figure it out," you said. They opened it and read the paper saying "I'm pregnant." "I'm pregnant," said Nate reading out loud. "No she is Nate you are a guy you can't be pregnant," said Austin while everybody was giggling.

Austin - The boys were having a big party this weekend before going off on tour. Austin told them that you guys would bring the food. While you were making cupcakes you put a little plastic babies in each cupcake. That weekend at the party everyone was eating when you heard Drew say "y/n why is there a plastic baby in my cupcake," everyone turned to look at you. "I'm pregnant," you announced.

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