Gender reveal party

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Drew- Drew invited everyone over for the party to reveal the gender of the baby to your families and friend. You made a pink cake and top it with blue and pink frosting. You then placed a piece of fondant on top that read boy or girl. While waiting for everyone to get there you were walking around talking. Someone snuck up behind you and wrapped their arms around you and whispered it's a girl. You turned around to see Nate. "Why do you think it's a girl?" you asked. Because lily and milo are in the kitchen eating pink cake," he whispered. "Shit really," you cursed looking in the kitchen to see the cake was perfectly fine. "No they aren't," "I know but I want to figure it out before everyone and you just told me." "Okay everyone is here so let's eat cake," screamed Drew getting everyone attention. You walked inside got the cake and a knife and brought it outside. "Drew I will hold it you cut it," you said passing him the knife. He cut into the cake and held up the piece of pink cake. "Omg its a girl," "I am having a granddaughter," "I have a niece," you heard while cutting everyone a slice of cake.

Nate - You and Nate were gonna have three signs hung up with balloons over them and have everyone throw a dart at a ballon till the gender was reveal. The kids get one board, friend another, and family the last one. (At the party) Everyone lined up and got three darts each. Balloons were popping everywhere and you here people call out "It's a boy." You looked to see that the sign that your friend were throwing at was all out of balloons. "Okay so one boy two to go," you said loudly. The kids kept missing the balloons and only had one or two popped by the time the adults finished and found out there was another boy. So the party wouldn't last forever Nate picked each kid up one at a time and let them poke a balloon with the dart. Finally it was revealed that you were having all three boys.

Levi - You and Levi were going to have Drew, Austin, and Nate dump balloons on you from the top of the stairs. Before that you guys were just going to have a get together of friends and family. You hid the balloons upstairs in the closet hoping no one would find them. You were talking to Levi's parents when you felt a poke on your leg. You turned around to see one of your little cousins. "What's up," you said crouching down to be her height. "Um can me and the kids play with the balloons," she asked quietly. "No those are for later can you go tell the boys to put them back in the closet and come down here we are
going to eat cake." "We are," she squealed walking upstairs to get the little boys. You turned back around to   Levi's parent. "Sorry," you said for interrupting what they were saying. "No problem y/n you are going to be a great mother," said Levi's Mom patting you on the shoulder. While everyone was eating cake "Drew, Austin, Nate go get the balloons ready you will hear me saying Baby one is a when you dump the first bag of balloons then I will say baby two is and dropped the second bag." "Okay," they ran up the stair. "Okay if I can get everyone's attention we are going to reveal the gender in just a minutes so if you will all gather in the living room." Everyone gathered in the living "okay baby one is a girl," you said while the boys dropped pink balloons down over you guys. "And baby two is a BOY," you were cut off by Levi yelling and balloons going everywhere.

Austin- Austin decided to stuffed a piñata with colored stuffing and let everyone take a wack at it. Everyone was having fun hitting the piñata. One of Austin's little cousin was up to hit the piñata and Austin was spinning him around. The poor little boy was so dizzy instead of hitting the piñata he hit poor Levi in the crotch. Everyone started laughing "what did I do," asked the little boy taking off his blind fold. When he saw Levi on the ground he said sorry and ran away. Next  up was Drew hitting the Piñata. He hit it and pink stuffing came flying over every where. The little boy who hit Levi ran other and hugged you leg saying it's a girl it's a girl over and over again. You were laughing at everyone's shocked faces. Even Drew, Levi, and Nate were shocked.

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