Finding out the gender

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Drew - you and Drew were waiting outside the doctor's office. You guys were twenty minutes early. "Drew you know we would not be this early if you hadn't drove like a mad man," you said changing the radio station. "Well sorry for being excited to see what this what gender the little person inside you is." "I am glad your excited just I don't like waiting," you groaned looking at the clock 12:53 you still had seven minutes. "Why don't we just go in and sigh in and maybe they will see us early." "Okay will you help me out of the car." Once drew helped you out of the car you walked into the office. Literally right after you sat down they called you name. You groaned "I just sat down," holding your hand up for Drew's help. The doctor was letting you listen to the heartbeat when she asked if you wanted to know the gender of the baby. You both nodddd right away. "Okay looks like you guys are having a little girl." Drew started jumping up and down saying I told you so. You laughed at him and couldn't wait to have a little girl.

Nate- "I can't wait to teach them all how to play basketball and video games," Nate said sitting down next to you. "You do they might not all be boys they could be all girls. You mugged him with your elbow. "Then I can't wait to play dolls and dress them up like princesses," he smirked. You laughed standing up "well if you are so excited let's got find out the gender of these three little nuggets." He jumped out the coach and ran to the car opening the door. "Lady and babies first," he said helping you in the car. "Your are weird you know it," you said laying the seat back some. Nate drove to the doctors while you were thinking of the future. When you got to the doctor they immediately took you back. "So y/n how are you feeling." "Good now that I don't have morning sickness anymore," you said laying back on the table. "Okay let's get a listen to all our their heartbeats." "Can we figure out the gender," asked an impatient Nate. "Yeah they are all boys." "Now I have three cuter Nates." "Hey I am the cutest Nate," he playfully pouted.

Levi - You want a girl badly, because you never had a sister growing up. You also wanted a boy to protect her against the world. Levi wanted two girls because him and Logan were twin boys. You were at the doctors office already waiting for the doctor to enter the room. "Y/n just asking if we have a little girl can we name it eevee from Pokémon." "We will think about it," you said patting his shoulder. They doctor finally walked in and asked how you were doing. You said you were fine except for being tired all the time. "Do you guys want to find out the gender of the babies today," he asked punching up your shirt. "Yeah I am guessing they are both girls and she said one boy one girl," said Levi squeezing your hand. "Okay this is a little cold," the doctor warned before putting the gel on you belly. You had to admit it was cold. "Okay so Baby A looks good and healthy and the gender is female." "Okay the second baby, Baby B, looks to be turned breach which is okay and the gender is Male. "Yes I win you lose."

Austin - you really didn't care what gender the baby was as long as they were healthy. Austin however really wanted it to be a girl. He had already bought toys and out fits in the colors pink, purple, yellow, and etc. "Austin what if it's a boy then you are going to have to take all this back," you stated. "No the little man can wear pink around the house nobody would care if it is a boy then these are just backup." He did make sense couldn't ever have enough stuff could you. "When is our appointment to find out the gender," he asked making his was over to you. "Um in about twenty  minutes why don't you go get dressed and I will meet you in the car. You grabbed the keys because if he drive it made you really car sick. Once the doctor started you started getting anxious. "It has to be a girl," Austin said. "Why do you say that," you said curious. "Well you like to cuddle and eat chocolate and that's what girls do," he stated. "Tell Nate that," you said laughing. "Okay y/n and Austin it looks like a baby girl."

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