Your're insecure pt1

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Drew - You were about to head to a really important dinner with Drew and the boys. You were trying to find something cute to wear, but it was absolutely impossible to find. You tried dress after dress and outfit after outfit.  "Y/n we need to leave soon are you ready." "Drew I am not going I can't find anything to find this baby bump is annoying and get in t--," you got interrupted by Drew. "Y/n just pick an outfit you are perfect in whatever you wear. The bump might be annoying, but think about it when the baby bump is gone we have crying to deal with an that might be a little more annoying."

Levi- you were getting dressed in the bathroom after your nice relaxing shower. You looked in the mirror noticing all the stretch marks or your thighs and stomach. "Ugh," you groaned the only thing you didn't want during pregnancy was stretch marks. You new the would happen sooner or later, but it still wasn't nice to have. "Y/n hurry in the bathroom. Wait are you crying," he opened the door and engulfed you in a hug. "Hey what's wrong." "Look at me I have stretch marks all over me I don't know why you would ever like that," Levi didn't even say anything he just lead you to the bed and laid you down. You both feel asleep.

Nate- Since you were pregnant with triplets your bump was huge. You were trying to clean since Nate's family was coming over. You washed the dishes and were putting some away at the moment. When it got to the plate you had to reach to get to the shelf, but there was another problem along with being short. You bump hits the counter so even if you did reach you couldn't reach the shelf. So you gave up and said Nate could do it later. You went to over to the table to wipe it down and your bump got in the way again. You finally gave up and sat on the couch. "Y/n what are you doing aren't you going to help me clean," you knew Nate wasn't trying to be rude when he said this by you broke down in tears. "Hey what wrong I didn't mean to offend you if I did." "It not that Nate I can't do anything with this bump. I tried to put the dishes away but the bump got caught on the counter. Then I was going to wipe down the table but I couldn't reach around the bump to reach the table." "Y/n why don't I tell my parent to come over tomorrow instead and you relax while I clean the rest of the house. "I don't want you to have to do everything for me," you whined.

Austin- you and Austin were going to your sister birthday party. When your mom told you about you were excited to go. Then that morning she texted you and said that you needed to bring a swim suit because it was at a waterpark. You were freaking out at the though of wearing a swim suit and being pregnant at the same time. "Austin change of plans we aren't going anymore," you yelled. "What why not we promised your sister." "That was before she told me it was at a waterpark I am not going," you pouted. "Why not," he asked. "I am six months pregnant and there is no way I am wearing a swim suit." "Y/n you will be fine nobody is going to care about you being pregnant and in a bathing suit. However I think they would be proud that you are confident with being pregnant in a bathing suit." You smiled Austin always new how to make a some what bad situation good again.

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