First kick

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Drew- you guys were laying on the couch watching a movie. You had felt the baby move a few times that day, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Once the movie was over you went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed. While you were washing your hair you felt a push on your stomach. You didn't think anything of it till you were laying down on the bed and you felt it again. Everything clicked in your head at that moment. "Drew get up here," you screamed excited. "What happened," he said rushing in the door way. "Baby girl just kicked," you exclaimed with the biggest smile on your face

Nate- You and Nate were driving to the store to pick up a few thing. You were listening to the music on the radio and remember that music stimulated babies brains. So you reached into the backseat and got a pair of headphones and plugged them into your phone. Nate looked at your weird while you were pulling the headphones over your bump. "Y/n your ears are on your head not your stomach," he said not paying attention to the road. "Watch the road and the music isn't for me it's for the babies." You turned on the click my fingers ep and laid the seat back a little. You were just relaxing in the car when you felt a poke on your stomach. "What," you asked thinking Nate had poke you. "What," he said back confused. "Didn't you just poke me on the stomach." "No why would I," he asked looking at you. "I don't know I just felt it." You laid back in the seat when you felt pokes going along with the beat of the beat with the song then you made he connection. "Looks like we have three little drummers on ours hands." "Why," Nate asked parking the car. "They are kicking along to the beat of the song."

Levi - you and Levi were laying on the bed enjoying each other's company. He laid his hand on your swollen belly and gently rub it. "So when is th-," you got cut of by him shushing you. You start talking again and he interrupt you again. "Why do you keep interrupting me," you said. "If you will be quiet I will show you," he said. You waited a second "Okay y/n give me your hand," you gently gave him your hand. He put it on your stomach and you felt tiny little pushes. "The babies are kicking why didn't I feel it before," you said shocked. "You were busy talking that why," said Levi smirking.

Austin- You were sitting at the counter while Austin was cooking lunch. "So how was your day y/n good I am just tired how was yours ?" "Good at the studio we finished recording-," "Austin come here," you squealed. "Why is something wrong," he said scared. "No come here," you saying waving your hand. He walked over to you and you put his hand where the baby was kicking. "Oh my god are little princess is kicking," he squeaked like a mouse. You were busy laughing and feeling the baby kick that you didn't notice the food he was cooking was burning. "Do you smell burning," he asked. "Austin," you yelled.

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