Talking to the baby

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Drew- you were laying on the sofa waiting for Drew to get home so you guys could go out on a little date. You were now five months pregnant so it would probably be the last time you could go on a date before you were really pregnant and tired. You looked down at your baby bump "You are going to be the best little princess. Your daddy and I can't wait to see you and hold you and tickle you. Your going to have to watch out for your three uncles they can be quite a handful." You were so busy talking you didn't realized Drew had walked in and was standing right beside you. He leaned down and kissed you. You jumped not knowing he was there. "Gosh you scared me."

Nate - you were cleaning the house before you were going out to dinner with Nate's family. "You boys are really going to be a handful aren't you," you said because they had been kicking all morning. "I am really out numbered with boys maybe we are going to have to have some sisters in the future to even the playing field. You laughed thinking about you family in the future. It wasn't going to be easy having Nate go on tour, not that it isn't hard now but it will be worst. "Y/n hey tour will be okay with the boys maybe they can come with us. I mean we have Drew, Levi, and Austin to help out," he said sitting next to you on the floor. "Did I say that out loud." "Yeah," he laughed patting your back.

Levi - you were sitting up in bed due to the twins fighting in your stomach. "Come on calm down so mom can sleep just for an hour," you persuaded rubbing your bump up and down. Levi rolled over in bed and groaned. You thought he was still asleep until he reached an arm out to your bump. "Babies I know all you want to do is play around, but mom really needs to sleep so she can wake up in the morning. So why don't we fall asleep and give her a break." Once the words left his mouth they stopped kicking and you were aloud to finally get some rest.

Austin - you were on a plane to go see your parents who now lived in Texas for your fathers work. During the plane ride for some reason the little girl inside you want to use your bladder as a car seat. "Come on," you groaned getting up to pee again for the third time during the flight. When you got back you saw Austin looking around. "Hey where did you go," he asked groggily. "This little girly thought my bladder was a car seat and decided to sit there for he ride." "Hey baby why don't you use one of mommy's other organs to sit on. We are on a plane and the bathrooms aren't the best," Austin said in a really high pitches voice. You felt her move off your bladder, but then she started kicking your ribs. "Well we know this girl doesn't give up. She is determined to make this ride uncomfortable for me."

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