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September 10, 2004

We settled ourselves on the chairs circling the big table with several different delicacies prepared by Hoseok's family.

The adults chattered happily with each other while eating, while I was concentrating on my food quietly.

Ailee was sitting beside me, while Hoseok sat across me.

Hoseok chewed on his food quietly while occasionally looking towards my sister's direction.

"Aren't you going to entertain us? We're your visitors, aren't we?" Ailee started as she looked at the boy across us. I was surprised with the tone of voice she used, it was as if she purposely made herself sound rude.

Hoseok was also startled but immediately obliged to Ailee's statement.

"My name is Hoseok," he began, "and I already know the two of you. You're Ailee and she's Bokseon," he said as he pointed the two of us.

I didn't know how to react or what to say, so I just kept quiet.

"Hoseok," my sister called.


"It's Boksung. Not Bokseon."

"Oops, sorry. My mistake," he shrugged.

"You were the one who stuck the piece of gum on my sister's hair, weren't you?"

That caused me to turn my head to Ailee, who was wearing a straight frown on her face.

Hoseok laughed, "Ah, that? Sorry, I just found it funny."

"I don't think it's funny," the girl beside me bluntly retorted, "I think it's stupid. You're stupid."

The smile on the boy's face faded.

At times like these, I would've let my sister be if it was with other people.

Yet I unknowingly tried to stop her by tugging her sleeves lightly.

She didn't seem to notice my gesture so she continued.

"Hoseok, if you make fun of my sister again, I won't let it go," that's the last thing she said before she started mumbling on her food.

I couldn't say anything as I watched Hoseok pucker his lips in remorse.

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