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June 12, 2012

Life is fragile.

It seemed to be so long, yet in reality it's actually short because of the unavoidable circumstances that could unfortunately end it.

That's why sometimes I asked myself, 'if I were given the chance to relive the past and change my choices, would I change it?'

That question seemed so hard for me then.

Until today.

It was break time when I was walking outside the school building with Clara and Hyeri to find a nice spot to eat our lunches.

"Boksungie," Hyeri called.


"Do you notice something different about Hoseok today?"

"Huh? Hoseok? Why? What about him?"

Right. I still haven't been able to talk to him.

The last time I saw him was yesterday afternoon, when he appeared in our yard while holding the usual chocolate box he would give Ailee. Instead of coming out the door to get the box from him like I habitually did, I decided to only peep through my bedroom window to see him. Ailee was the one who went out by herself to receive the box from him.

Although I couldn't tell if I saw wrong, but I remembered him sparing occasional glances in my bedroom window as if he was looking for me.

"Well, doesn't he seem like he's in a good mood today?"

"Yeah, I also noticed that about him," Clara agreed.

"Compared to the eerie mood he gave off yesterday, he looks happier today."

"I mean, he just smiled at me earlier, as if nothing was wrong, as if he had already moved on from what happened to his father."

I shrugged, "M-maybe he decided to look at the bright side and went back to his old self, I guess..."

I trailed off when my point of vision caught something cynical.

In a large building ahead of us, there was a silhouette of a man on the window from the fifth floor.

I couldn't see his face since he was wearing a black surgical mask.

He stayed there as if he was waiting for someone to pass by.


I craned my neck to see the owner of the raspy voice that called me.


"I've been looking everywhere for you," he spoke with a pout on his face.

He just walked out from the glass door of the same building and was about to pass below the window to where the man stood as he made his way towards me.

For some reason, I suddenly had a bad feeling that something ominous would happen.

I wasn't wrong.

The man from the window suddenly had an empty clay flower pot on both of his hands and he stuck it outside the window.

I saw Hoseok still staring ahead, oblivious to the danger that was waiting for him.

"Hoseok!" I screamed at once and sprinted towards him when the man let go of the pot to let it fall on the boy.



Gathering all my strength, I pushed Hoseok away.

There was a loud bang when I felt something hit me hard on the head.

In a blink of an eye, I fell to the ground, feeling something warm ooze out from my head.


I felt dizzy.

I could feel someone shaking my shoulders, and I could barely identify that it was Hoseok as my vision started to get blurry.

So Boksung, if you were given the chance to relive the day and change your choices, would you still choose to risk your life for Hoseok?


Yes I would.

Somehow, I couldn't see the world around me anymore.

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