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June 02, 2012

It was another humid Saturday afternoon and nothing else seemed new.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 5:00 pm, which meant that it was time for me dispose the garbage bag outside.

I walked out to the yard to do the chore while occasionally looking at the house across ours.

Not that I was waiting for someone to go out of that navy blue gate. It's just that it became a habit of mine.


My head snapped upwards when I heard a clicking sound of a camera.

What was... that?

Alert, my eyes immediately scanned the neighborhood to see where it came from. My heart was beating rapidly for some unknown reason.

I didn't see anyone.

That was when a whistle from the other yard caught my attention.

"Hoseok," I called.

"Boksungie," he went out of his gate and was again carrying a maroon rectangular box on his hands,"I was hoping if you could give this to Ailee?"

Maybe I was just imagining things.

"Boksung?" He called again when he noticed that my attention wasn't on him.

"Yes! I mean, yeah, sure," I quickly grabbed the box from his hands and smiled at him.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked, his moon-shaped eyes getting wider out of curiosity.

I nodded, not wanting to make a big deal out of it, "I'll go inside, then."

He thanked me before waving goodbye, so I waved back.

But when I did that, I wished I didn't look around for the second time.

Because that's when I realized.

It wasn't my imagination.

I was indeed being watched.

I forced myself to remain calm as I pretended not to notice the hooded figure with the camera from behind the tree.

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