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February 14, 2011

Apparently, the gifts on Ailee's table were all for St. Valentines day and not for her birthday. The letters didn't even greet her, but instead they were all confessions.

She didn't want them, so she gave all the gifts to me.

I didn't know if I should be thankful because I received something at least for my birthday, or I should feel burdened because they weren't mine in the first place, and I thought that I'd have trouble carrying all of them since there were so many.

I chose to thank Ailee.

Sixteen year old Jung Hoseok suddenly entered the room, surprising everyone with what he has on his hands.

Strawberry cake and roses.

"Everyone, I'd like to make an announcement," he stood infront of the class, getting everyone's attention.

"Since it's St. Valentines day, I want everyone to witness this event. There's someone in this classroom that I like," he stated, which made the students howl in reaction, "She's really special. She's nice, she's smart, and on top of all, she's really beautiful. No wonder I fell for her."

"After five years of secretly liking her, I'm finally going to confess to her, right now," Hoseok's face turned serious.

The students cheered for him as he started walking towards the person he was referring to.

Of course, I already knew who he was talking about.

Judging from the strawberry cake he was carrying.

"Ailee, please accept these. And please accept my heart,"

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