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June 10, 2012

It was one late breezy evening in June when the skies were beautiful as the stars that dominated them twinkled calmly, complementing the peaceful silence of the night.

People by now would enter their homes hoping for a good rest from their long day of labor. Everything seemed ordinary.

But not for Hoseok.

"He was a good man," my mom sadly smiled at Hoseok's mom before walking towards the memorial picture of a man surrounded with flowers.

I followed my family as we kneeled and bowed down together in order to pay our respects for Hoseok's father.

Different families from our neighborhood also made their appearance to do the same.

I looked at Hoseok who was maintaining a straight face as he watched his own father's funeral. It was just the day before yesterday when their family woke up at three in the morning just to receive a call that their father had been into an accident and was currently in a critical state at the hospital.

Then the most unfortunate thing happened when they arrived at the hospital, the man was declared dead.

I could hear the silent sniffs of Hoseok's sister and mom as some adults of the families who visited tried to comfort them. They all stood there in melancholy except for the boy who just stared blankly ahead of him.

"Hoseok," Ailee uttered as she approached him with a sympathetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry for your loss."

The boy didn't say anything as he only nodded at her in response.

She gave him a light tap on the shoulder before proceeding to talk to his sister.

I was about to call his name when he decided to walk away before I could do so.

The rest of the night went by but I didn't see him again after that.


June 11, 2012

To the people who hated Mondays, I could say to you that it was never a mistake to feel that way.

It was a very busy day for us seniors since our exams were coming up at the end of the month. Even when I tried to keep myself busy, I couldn't stop myself from worrying about Hoseok who has been dead silent ever since he came to class this morning.

The whole class knew what had happened to his father and they would each pass by him to say some words of comfort hoping that it would lighten his mood up a bit.

Anyone could tell how the atmosphere of the classroom drastically changed after what happened. It was weird because usually, Hoseok would stand in front and imitate the yelling of a donkey to make us laugh before the teacher would come.

Now he was as soundless as a dead man. He never even left his seat once during snack break.

Until lunch break came. Everyone was too busy talking to their peers when the said boy suddenly stood up from his seat and made his way out the door by his own.

Where is he going?

My feet didn't fail to follow his direction and I also walked out of the classroom without anyone noticing.

I watched Hoseok make a turn to the stairs as I trailed behind without him knowing.

That when I realized that we were heading towards the rooftop.

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