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June 01, 2012

It was around 5:00 pm when I went out of the house to do my daily chore of disposing our garbage bags outside.

I was interrupted when I heard a whistle from the yard just across ours.

It was the boy with the cheekbones. He  approached me while holding a familiar rectangular box on his hands.

"Boksungie," Hoseok smiled as he called me, "Can you please do me a favor?"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Give this to your sister, please?"

He motioned the box towards me and directly gave me a look of anticipation.

I didn't have any problem with that, so I smiled at him cheerfully as I said, "Sure!"

He froze in an instant, his face looking astounded when his lower lip hung loose as his eyes stared at me puzzled.

"Is something wrong?" I asked curiously.

When he noticed his own sudden stupefaction, he shook his head, "Ah no, nothing. It's just that... you looked like Ailee for a moment when you smiled. You had your teeth retainers removed?"

I nodded without hesitation, "Does it look alright?"

"Yeah, your smile was..." he paused as he let his cheekbones stick out with his grin, "...completely stunning."

I couldn't help but turn the corners of my lips upwards, "Thanks. I'll get going then."

I grabbed the box from Hoseok's hands before turning my back on him.

"Boksungie," he voiced out, calling me.

I stopped at my tracks and craned my neck to look at the boy with the cheekbones.

"I'll call you Boksungie from now on. If that's alright with you?"

For the first time in my whole life,

"Sure, Hoseok. Sure."

I felt glad that I was born as a girl.

A girl that feels, a girl that matters.

A girl that's named Boksung.

I was glad that I was Boksung, and anything else at that moment didn't matter to me at all.

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