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June 04, 2012

"How're the chocolates?"

I was startled when Hoseok asked after Mr. Bin exited the class.

I turned to him, only to find out it was Ailee he was asking.

For a moment, I thought I was caught redhanded for eating something that was supposed to be my sister's.

She was the one who asked me to take those anyway.

Ailee glanced at me for a moment before saying, "They're really... delicious!"

The boy breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. I'm glad you liked them," he smiled again along with those cheekbones of his.


she's so lucky.

I was fixing my things and pretended not to mind their conversation when someone tapped my shoulder from behind.

"Boksungie, Clara and I are going to the cafeteria. Do you wanna come?" Hyeri suggested.

I smiled at her, "You two go ahead first, I need to find my pen."


So I scanned the floor hoping that I'd find my favorite pen.

And I did. A hand picked it up first and held it out for me.

"This yours?"

Grabbing the pen from his hold, I adjusted my glasses to see him clearly, "Thanks, Kangjun."

His freckles are so annoying.

His height is so annoying because he was already a neck taller than me.

But they make him attractive.

I walked back to my seat and secured my pen for the next class.

"Do you remember me?" Kangjun was suddenly trailing behind me.

I nodded my head swiftly, not really focusing to the conversation.

"Oh so you do! That's cool because I also recognize you. Actually I didn't at first because you looked different from the last time I saw you-- but yeah! I recognize you."

"Okay. Cool."

"You seem like the silent type now, huh. That's pretty cute."

My eyebrows creased at his statement.

What is he doing?



I was caught a little off guard when I felt an arm suddenly placed around my shoulder.

"Do you know him?" Hoseok asked, his voice sounded as if he was displeased.

It wasn't like him all of a sudden.

"Hey Kangjun, stop bothering my sister," Ailee also retorted from behind him.

"I'm not, okay?" Kangjun smiled smugly, not at Ailee, but at Hoseok.

"Let me tag along with you, I'm still new to this school and I might get lost and find myself in a toilet room instead of the cafeteria," he unexpectedly bent over his body down to my height and leaned his face close to me, causing me to automatically lean my head backwards.

"--Eesh what are you even doing?" Hoseok quickly pushed Kangjun's forehead away with his finger and I tried not to mind his other arm that was on my shoulder.

Ailee suddenly dragged me away from the two of them, "No, what are you two doing? Can't you see my sister is already uncomfortable? Boksungie," she turned to me with a dear smile, "let's go."

As she lead me outside, I didn't fail to glance back at Hoseok who was still glaring at Kangjun.

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