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September 21, 2004

One day, I don't really remember how.

But for some reason, I ended up in an ice cream parlor near our subdivision.

With Hoseok and Ailee.

But I did remember

How Hoseok barely acknowledged me that day

because his gaze was always affixed to my oblivious sister.

"Why did you bring us here?" My sister asked.

"I owe Boksung an apology, so I decided to treat the both of you ice cream," he replied.

Ailee stared at him skeptically for a moment but then confirmed, "go ahead."

"Okay. Boksung," for the first time that morning, Hoseok finally made eye contact with me.

"I'm sorry for sticking that gum on your hair. I just realized that what I did was stupid. I won't make fun of you again," he said, almost emotionless.

He didn't look exactly sincere.

Regardless of that, I managed to smile a little, "It's okay, Hoseok. I forgive you."

When he saw how Ailee seemed contented with his apology, his face lightened up quickly.

He smiled and immediately asked her, "so, Ailee. What flavor do you want?"

"I'll have the strawberry ones," the girl beside me replied.

I was expecting for him to ask me what also I liked, but instead, he just nodded at Ailee's request and made his way to the counter without even bothering to look at me.

I tried to console myself that it's okay. It's his money he's spending anyway.

When Hoseok came back, he was carrying a tray with three cups of flavored ice cream on it.

They were all strawberry-flavored.

"Oh, you like strawberry too?" Ailee's eyes lit up when she saw what flavor Hoseok ordered for himself.

"Of course! As long as you like it, then I like it, too," he said as he grinned, showing his tiny dimples.

It was cute.

I looked down at my cup of ice cream and stared at the pastel pink-colored scoop of dessert.

I tried not to let it show, but I suddenly felt dismayed.

I didn't feel like eating anymore.

"Boksung, didn't you hate strawberry-flavored desserts?" Ailee pointed out when she noticed me not touching my food.

"Ah, really?" The boy across me perked his head up, his brows raised, " I'm sorry, I'll buy you something else then--"

"No. It's okay," I declined.

"I have to go. I remembered that I need to finish my homework," I forced myself to smile at the two of them before standing up from my seat and proceeded my way out of the shop.

Note to self: know when your presence is needed and when it is not.

But wasn't it always the latter?

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