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June 21, 2012

"Let's see if this will work," I said to myself, determined to work on the little plan Hyeri, Clara, and I have deviced earlier.

I put my spectacles down and slipped them quickly into my pocket as soon as I saw Seo Kangjun coming into my direction.

Earlier, the girls and I have planned to catch Kangjun by stealing his bag which had a load of Ailee's pictures, and then turn them in to the police for evidence that he had been indeed the bad guy who was stalking Ailee, which could lead him to confess that he was also the person who tried to hurt Hoseok if the police arrests him.

In order for this plan to work, I had to distract Kangjun, who was approaching towards me right at this moment, to buy time for the girls who were on their way to find his bag in our classroom and steal it as planned.

As the boy took a few steps towards me, it seemed to have affected the way my heart pumped inside of my chest. I could already hear my heart beating faster and faster at the moment. The insides of my stomach started to twist, much to my horror. Trickles of sweats also started to form spontaneously on my forehead, at that exact moment.

The nervousness I felt was superbly horrifying, knowing that I was going to speak to the boy who had possibly been the culprit behind all this mess that caused me sleepless nights during the past week.

What if he was really the culprit who tried to hurt Hoseok? 

I mean, if he really was that person, and I knew about it, and he knew that I knew about it, 

would he possibly try to hurt me?

My thoughts were interrupted as soon as the subject of my thoughts appeared in front of me. 

Seo Kangjun gave me smug look and eyed me for a long moment, as if he was examining my face.

"Hey, umm. I'm sorry to ask you this again but... are you Ailee or Boksung? You two look pretty much alike and I can't really tell the difference between the both of you," he asked as he raised his brows in confusion.

"Oh, I'm... Boksung."

"Oh, Boksung! You're back. Are you okay now?"

"Yes, I'm pretty fine now. Thanks for asking."

"Glad to hear that. Listen, I have to fetch something in the classroom so I'm going first."

No... not yet.

"Your bag had a tear mark, right, Kangjun?" I spoke before he could walk away.

He turned to me again, both his eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I think so. Why?" he looked at me cluelessly for a little while until his expression turned a bit skeptical. "Wait. Why are you so interested about my bag, Boksung? It's not the first time you brought it up."

Why is he acting so innocent?

"So you don't know why I'm asking you this?" 


"Not even the slightest idea?"

"No! What are you talking about?"

"Oh, don't play dumb, Kangjun! I know you're the stalker."


On the other side of the school, somewhere inside an empty classroom, Hyeri and Clara did find a Banuce bag seated on top of the teacher's desk. They tiptoed-walked towards it as if they were ninjas, so they wouldn't get caught trying to snoop into others' belongings.

As they opened the bag, stacks of films immediately fell down to the floor.

They weren't supposed to be surprised, but they couldn't help but be shocked about what they saw: piles and piles and piles of pictures of Ailee.

"What the heck?" Hyeri whispered in disbelief as she looked at the printed photos that came from the bag.

Here's a picture of Ailee at the school gate,

Ailee at the cafeteria,

Ailee at the bus stop,

Ailee in a coffee shop,

Ailee in her garden,

Ailee... in her bedroom?

 "Okay. This is freaking creepy," Clara voiced in a low tone as she slowly kneeled down to pick up some of the pictures.  

"We have to find Ailee. Now."

Both of the girls hurriedly fixed all the stacks of photos and threw it all at once inside the bag before rushing their way outside of the classroom. They ran into the hallways when one of them bumped into an unexpected person.

"Hey, hey, be careful! What's the rush?"

Both of their eyes widened at the boy.


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