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June 11, 2012

All my thoughts left my brain in a swift moment, leaving my mind empty as all I could do was close my eyes in awe.

Different bright hues then flashed into my vision,  at the same time, I could hear some wedding bells ringing in harmony.

What is this? I'm pretty sure that I'm still at school. Why am I suddenly hearing wedding bells?

Hoseok's soft lips never left mine nor did he open his eyes. Instead, I felt his large hands cup my face, pulling me closer towards him as he moved his lower lip against mine. I could already feel the tears he had earlier stain my cheek because of the closeness of our skin.

Both of my palms somehow ended up attached against his chests, taking up the narrow distance left between the two of us. My hands could feel the speedy beating of his heart right beneath his toned pectoral region. Ironically, it matched with the pace of my heartbeat. Everything in the moment seemed euphoric.

My stomach felt weird. Like it flipped because of excitement and nervousness.

Suddenly, odd terminologies came into my mind.

Did I just lose my... virginity?

Is this considered rape?

Sexual harassment?




I instantly opened my eyes.

Hoseok is kissing me.

Everything suddenly did not make sense.

Hoseok, the boy with the cheekbones, the boy who lives across my home, the boy who likes my sister,

Is kissing me right now.

I gently pushed him, pulling away from the kiss and stared at him in shock and confusion.

He looked at me back with his lips parted in surprise.

"Why did you..." I managed to croak out in a barely audible voice.

His chest heaved as he seemed to try to catch up to the situation. It was as if he also didn't expect what just happened.


I covered my mouth in embarrassment as I glanced at Hoseok's lips for a moment, remembering what happened a few seconds ago.

"But I thought you like Ailee?" I asked him, feeling my cheeks getting hotter. I was so confused and I felt the need to ask him that.

"I-I do! But, I..." he stuttered, not sure of what to answer.

"Look, I'm--"

"Are you going to say you're sorry?" I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

"If you're sorry, then I am too. Let's pretend this never happened, okay? I promise not to tell Ailee if that's what you're worried about."

That's the last thing I said to him before I rushed towards the exit of the rooftop.


June 12, 2012

So far, it's been five hours since classes have started and I have managed to avoid running into Hoseok today.

Not that I hated him, I just felt so embarrassed of myself to face him. After what happened yesterday, I wasn't even sure if he regretted doing that.

I mean, he was emotionally shaken up because of his father's death and I was there to sympathize with him. There was a big possibility that he did that because he was overwhelmed with his emotions.

Despite of that, a part of me hoped that Hoseok kissed me because he liked me.

Of course, I knew that that was too good to be true.

On the other hand, ever since that last encounter with Ailee's stalker on the alley, I never saw him around the neighborhood again. I came to the conclusion that maybe he wasn't going to show himself anymore, since his camera did break when Hoseok hit him in the face.

It was time for P.E. and all my classmates have already gone outside to the sports field. I was the only one left in the classroom as I still needed to tie my shoelaces. I decided to also remove my spectacles and keep it in my bag.

When I finished, I was about to leave the classroom when I noticed something.

On one of the desks in the fifth row, I saw a familiar sling bag sitting beneath it. I scooted nearer to get a closer look at it, hoping that I saw wrong.

But I didn't. It was the same beige-colored leather sling bag that had the Banuce mark in the middle.

It was even slightly teared on its corner, which made me remember how that stalker's bag got ripped when he forced it away from my sleeve.

Don't tell me this is...

This desk... Seo Kangjun owned this desk.

I knew that maybe I was just being paranoid, but I had to make sure.

So I held the Banuce bag by its zipper to open it up. I needed to know if Kangjun really was the person who stalked Ailee.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But if he is... then...

"What are you doing touching someone else's bag?"

I almost jumped when I heard Kangjun's voice behind me.

I immediately removed my hands away from his bag to face him.

"I was... I was trying to check something."

He raised his brow at me skeptically before walking pass me to get his bag.

"Why, is there something in my bag that you need to see?"

"No, not really. I just thought that it was a shame that your bag got ripped since it was known to be expensive."

He fixed his gaze at me as if he was trying to figure it whether I was telling him the truth. I did the same to him.

"By the way, who are you? Ailee or Boksung? I couldn't tell the difference because you both weren't wearing any spectacles."

It took some time for me to answer his question because I was still suspicious of him. I mean, it wasn't impossible for  Kangjun to be the stalker because I would sometimes catch him being all flirty with my sister.

"I'm... Boksung."

"Oh. Well then, Boksung, I'll see you later."

"Wait," I called before he could walk away.

"Kangjun, how did your bag get teared?"

As he heard my question, he creased his eyebrows while puckering his lips as if he was thinking what to answer me.

He then shrugged his shoulders, "I don't really remember."


A/N: hi omg

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