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June 16, 2012

Everything felt numb.

I couldn't seem to move a finger.

I slowly opened my eyes, beginning to feel the oxygen mask that was attached onto my nose.

My head pounded when I tried remember what happened that made me end up here in a white room that smelled like disinfectants.

Right.... Someone tried to hurt Hoseok.

I carefully scanned my eyes around the room, craning my neck a bit to see two people who fell asleep at the couch beside me.

Ailee was soundly snoozing off as she was leaning her head against Hoseok's left shoulder, while Hoseok was also leaning his head onto my sister's.

They looked cute together.

I watched them remain in that position for awhile, waiting for at least one of them to wake up. It was then when Ailee's head fell off by accident, causing her to open her eyes almost instantly. Her eyes eventually met mine, and I saw her widen them in surprise.

"Boksungie!" She squealed, waking Hoseok up from his slumber.

My sister rushed towards me and held my hand tight, her eyes almost teary as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Hoseok also stood up beside her, letting out his toothy smile when he noticed me wake up to conscious.

He literally looked like a ray of sunshine when his gentle eyes narrowed and his cheekbones stuck out caused by grinning.

I felt so glad seeing him like that, alive and well.

"Are you okay? You don't have to speak, just nod once," Ailee said as she caressed my cheek with her other hand.

I nodded, which made her smile gratefully.

"I'll call mom and dad. Hoseok, you stay here with my sister, please?"

Hoseok nodded at Ailee's request before she sent me one last glance, her hold to me tightening for a second. She then took her steps towards the ward door.

It was only Hoseok and me who were left in the room.

He fixed his gaze on me, his expression indecipherable so I waited for him to say something first. He scooted closer to me, his large hand finding their way to my fingers, holding them as if they were the most fragile.

I felt my heart race at his action.

I mentally slapped myself when I noticed that the beating sound of the vital sign monitor had gone faster.

Thankfully, he didn't seem to notice as he didn't remove his gaze on me. We made eye contact for about what seemed like forever, so I looked away first. When I looked at him again, he was still staring.

It's like he was staring intensely at my soul.

I suddenly felt self-conscious so I tried to think of other things that can calm down the pace of my heartbeat.

I was taken aback when Hoseok pulled my hand towards him, his eyes focusing on my palm.

Gasping when he leaned in his lips to kiss it, I forced myself to calm down as I watch him fluttering his eyes close as he did so.

I tried to speak out of my hoarse voice.


"Why did you do that?" he asked as he slowly let down my hand, still not letting go of it.

"Why did you take the hit for me?" his gentle eyes flickered with sadness.

I smiled at him and blinked twice before I forced myself to answer.

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