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February 14, 2011

My sixth year in Gwangju have passed by in a blur and nothing much has changed.

Except for my now unclear vision which forced me to wear appropriate spectacles just a month ago, and the new braces that recently had to be attached to my teeth because of my crooked canines.

Regardless, today was a cold St. Valentines Day.

"Look at Ailee's desk," Hyeri whispered as soon as she arrived beside me, "so many gifts!"

"What can I say? She has a lot of suitors," Clara added.

I just nodded while fixing my things that were needed for the class.

I felt a poke on my shoulder, "you don't look so surprised?" It was Hyeri.

"Right. I guess it happens almost usually," I replied.

Ailee entered the room while wiping her hands with her handkerchief. She must've come from the rest room.

When she looked up at me, she smiled and walked towards me.

I couldn't help but notice how I'm so different with my sister. She had clear eyes that sparkles everytime she smiled. Mine is full of dark circles under it and is unfortunately partnered with glasses. Ailee never had to visit a dentist once in her life because of her full white teeth. Mine is now attached with braces because of its deformities.

Sometimes, I wondered. What if I was Ailee?

Will people want to be friends with me?

Will my mom let me have the one last piece of egg left?

Is Hoseok going to look at me the way he looked at Ailee?

Will he love my type of ice cream?

Ailee's soft hands handed me a steel bottle.

The content inside smelled like seaweed soup.

"Happy birthday, Boksung," she greeted.

But then, again. Ailee is my sister. She loves me. I shouldn't think like that.

"Happy birthday, Ailee," I also greeted with a beam.

I should love my twin, too.

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