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"Two cookies'n cream and one strawberry please."

Hoseok carried the tray from the counter and placed it on top of the table before distributing each ice cream to me and Ailee.

We were sitting inside the same ice cream parlor we went to when we were still kids. The interior design hasn't changed so much up till now. It has remained to feel like home, to which the customers of the shop still genuinely enjoy.

I felt delighted when I looked at my delicious cookies'n cream flavored ice cream. It's like it was enticing me to consume it as a whole.

I turned my head to Hoseok who was starting to dig into his ice cream with a small smile plastered on his face like he was enjoying it.

"Looks like Hoseokie has a new favorite," Ailee said, looking like she was referring to Hoseok's ice cream. I just noticed then that he didn't buy himself his usual pastel pink flavored ones.

I couldn't help but smile inwardly at the idea that he bought the same flavor of ice cream as mine, as if he implicitly showed my sister that he has already moved on from his feelings for her. I knew that it was such a petty reason for me to feel flattered, nevertheless I allowed myself to be glad for once. After all, it's nice to dwell on the idea that the guy I like actually likes me back.

The boy then froze as if he was caught guilty with a crime and looked at Ailee like she was the police. He opened his mouth to maybe explain himself but before he could do so, Ailee beat him to it.

"No need to get worked up, dude. I know you're dating my sister. To be honest, I've been rooting for the two of you."

Hoseok and I couldn't help but gawk at her. I haven't even mentioned it to her once.

"Ah, was it that obvious?" Hoseok laughed nervously, like he was not sure how to react.

"Look at your faces! You two look so stupid right now," Ailee chuckled, her index finger pointing at each of us.

Her laugh was so contagious that soon enough I found the three of us laughing together.

"Ailee! Hey guys,"

The three of us were surprised when we found Kangjun rushing inside the shop. I looked at Ailee who seemed more startled than us.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to fetch you. Didn't you receive my text? You haven't been answering my calls either--"

"What? How did you even find me here?"

"Of course I used the GPS app I downloaded on your phone--"

Ailee immediately stood up and held Kangjun by his shoulders.

"We better leave now," she then smiled at me at Hoseok, "See you guys!"

She swiftly proceeded to walk and push Kangjun towards the exit.

"Something's definitely going on between the two," Hoseok nodded interestingly while munching on his ice cream.

I smiled at him, not failing to appreciate how good-looking he was from my angle. He may have been effortless in doing his own thing, but to me it looked like he was doing an advertisement, like he was a model munching the ice cream he was holding.


I snapped out from my thoughts when he called my attention.


"Let's finish eating, it looks like it's about to rain outside."

I just nodded in agreement when I also noticed the clouds outside the window gradually turning dark gray.


It rained.

Hoseok and I ran across the streets while holding our coats over our heads to at least keep ourselves dry, but to no avail.

"Hey Boksung!" Hoseok yelled amidst the noisy raindrops on the streets.

I stopped running when I noticed that Hoseok has stopped running as well.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"Don't you think this is the moment where we were supposed to kiss?"

I laughed at his assertion.

"I don't think so. I mean, you're so handsome with your wet look while I look like a drenched duck right now, so if people see us kissing here in the streets it would probably be a hideous sight-- "

"You know that that doesn't matter to me--" I was startled the moment when he suddenly pulled me close to him by my waist.

He looked at me deeply with his eyes, as if he was memorizing the tiny details I had on my face. He cupped my cheek with his large hands and I felt my heart pounding abnormally at his gesture.

I watched how the small droplets of water trickled down his face, and I let my fingers trace it gently before looking to his beautiful eyes.

Hoseok was such a beautiful man, and to be honest, I think I couldn't handle such a beautiful-looking creature whose beautiful face was already dangerously nearing towards mine.

I flinched when he spoke in a low tone, even the vibrating sound of his voice has warmed my whole soul despite the cold rain dripping and running down against my skin.

"--because you're the prettiest in my eyes, Boksung."

I closed my eyes as I felt his lips touch mine, feeling his seemingly countless emotions through his soft, tender, and affectionate kiss.

He and I have already forgotten the fact that we were still in the empty streets, the shining city lights has began to dance around us insomuch that the rain has breathtakingly made the night feel more alive.



A/N: Hello! Thank you so so much for reading Unpretty! It means the world to me.

Good news: this book is now published on the BTS Universe Story app! Please check it out <3

Here's the link:

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