Tuilstar664's Other Qusetion

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Spike: More fan mail.

Rarity: I'll read it darling. *uses magic to pick up letter* Spike, how are you and Rarity going? *wink*

Spike: *blushes* Ume, well, uh..

Rarity: *kisses Spike* I didn't know you liked me back.

Spike: What, you liked me?

Rarity: Aren't we just perfect together.

Rainbow Dash: Sure....

Fluttershy: I guess..

Pinkie Pie: You two look sooooooooo cute together.

Twilight Sparkle: This adorable, yet disturbing.

Rarity: I need to make us matching outfits! *grabs spike and runs out door*

Spike: *Waves quickly* Bye!!! *looks dreamily at Rarity*

Applejack: *sigh* I'll get them.

Twilight: Put questions in the comments.

Pinkie Pie: Vote if you think Rarity and Spike look cute together, because I just did! *clicks vote button*

Twilight: Where did you get a computer?

Pinkie: At a store in the other world, duh!

Twilight: Okay then. *trots off*

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