Super Uber Long Special!

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Going to include YouTube videos with my chapter from now on. Hope you guys like this new addition to the story! ^_^

KimDash11: We have a lot to cover today.

Rainbow Dash: Have you guys heard of Cupcakes? 

All but KimDash11: Nope.

KimDash11: Well........

30 minutes later

Pinkie: *rocks back and forth* I am not a killer. I am not a killer. I am not a killer. I am not a killer.

Rainbow: It's okay.

Twilight: We know that you won't hurt anybody like that Pinkie.

Applejack: It's okay Pinkie we're not mad.

Pinkie: *wipes tears away* You're not?

Rarity: Of course not dear, your our friend.

Pinkie: *hair puffs up* GROUP HUG!!!!!

Royal Guard: Princess Twilight, somebody is here to see you.

Twilight: I wonder who it could be.

Purplesmart (TheHappyObeoHobo): *hugs Twilight* It's been so long since I've seen you.

Twilight: Do I know you?

Purplesmart: Twilight, I'm your long lost twin.

Main 4 (Blaze, Flower, Sliver Sword, and Princess Cali): Aww.

(A/N KimDash11 and Purplesmart are not part of the Main 4 or the Mane 6)

Twilight: *cries of joy* This is so wonderful!

Rainbow: Now is not the time to be sappy. We still have a lot to cover.

Fluttershy: Rainbow's right, I'll even ask the next question. Twilight, how did you feel when you found out what was in the box?

Twilight: I was excited, mainly because I was defeating a large threat to Equestria.

Rarity: And we looked fabulous while doing it.

Fluttershy: You also got a nice, new house.

Applejack: I do miss your old house a bit though.

Twilight: *sigh* We all do.

All: *nods*

Flower: So many memories.

Sliver Sword: So many books must have been burned.

Blaze: You guys *points to Mane 6* became friends their.

Princess Cali: I really miss it.

KimDash11: Getting a snack, I'll be right back. *opens door*

Ash: *bumps into KimDash11* *gets up* Princess-

KimDash11: It's okay really, and you can call me Kim.

Ash: May I help you up Prin- I mean Kim. *extends hoof*

KimDash11: *blushes* *takes hoof* Thank you.

Shining Armor: Ash, where are you? You need to finish your tour of the castle before you can be a guard here.

Ash: Coming! Seeing you soon Kim. *leaves*

KimDash11: *blushes* *walks back into room* *closes door*

Rainbow, Flower, and Pinkie: Kim's got a boyfriend! Kim's got a boyfriend! Kim's got a boyfriend!

KimDash11: *blushes even more*No, no, I don't.

Purplesmart: You like him.

Blaze: Totally, you're blushing like crazy.

KimDash11: Maybe a little bit.

Applejack: I knew it!

Rarity: How sweet.

Sliver Sword: I bet you'll see Ash again very soon. (A/N *cough* foreshadowing *cough*)

Few things, first off I need Carmalite to message me his/her question if she/he wants them included. No question asked is guaranteed to be answered. Second off my birthday is 6 days away!!! I can't wait!!! Third off is my news on stories. I have deleted My Little Ponies. I just ran out of inspiration. I will continue Blizzard though so go check that story out. For Ask KimDash11 I will be doing a top 10 list with included videos. I'll start that tonight hopefully. Lastly, I finally updated with YouTube videos! Are you happy? Comment about it if you are. Also, A/N stands for authors note.

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