20 Things About Me XD

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I was challenged to do this by Emma_Fejervary! I challenge  @Flutterdash18, @awesomek21, and @thehappycat!

1. I'm an animal rights supporter! (Just because they're not humans, it doesn't mean they can be treated badly!)

2. I watch Pokemon (Indigo League, Black and White, or X and Y) 6 out of 7 days a week!

3. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in 6 years. (Not a joke.)

4. I'm a white belt! XD (I know it's not that high ranking but still....)

5. I watched The Maze Runner last weekend! (I'd been waiting for a whole year! :D)

6. The Fault In Our Stars is my favorite book of all time!

7. I know all about metaphors! (Because The Fault In Our Stars is my favorite book)

8. My favorite songs are The Game of Life by JubyPhonic, Witch Hunt by JubyPhonic, and Boom Clap by CharliXCX.

9. I'm in choir and love it! #mucicismylife

10. I have Pokemon Y! (With the legendary Pokemon!)

11. I'm Dauntless and Candor! (according to the Aptitude Test)

12. I'm a terrible speller. (Even with spell check DX)

13. I love to draw! #doodlingallday

14. I scuba dive! (Because I can.)

15. The Fault In Our Stars is teh only book (and movie) to ever make be cry.

16. I almost cried in The Maze Runner at the end.

17. If I could date Yami from Yu-Gi-Oh! I would. #Yamifangirl

18. If I could date Gray from Fairy Tail I would. #Grayfangirl

19. I'm still not tired of Let It Go!

20. I know some of Let It Go in Japanese! (Cause' I have nothing better to do with life)

Sorry I haven't been updating, major writer's block! T_T

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