Adventure Is A Wonderful Thing?

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Blaze: I'm booooooored! Why can't something fun happen for once???

Flower: If this wish gets into a big mess a will *beep* that *beep* bored loom off your *beep* *beep* face!!!!

Ragdoll: What's that smell? *covers nose*

Sliver Sword: I think it's sleeping gas.  *all go unconscious and are dargge doff by hooded people*


Twilight: I've look everywhere, guess the cast will miss this chapter.

RD: So Twilight, Fluttershy, how do you ever make money? Are you dru-

Fluttershy: No of course not! I make money by babysitting, selling my chicken's eggs, and I help sick animals. Sometimes I help Pinkie at Suger Cube Corner.

Twilight: I used to by a librarian at Golden Oak Library. Ever since Tireck destroyed it *cough* *beep* you Tireck! *cough*, I'm the Princesses of Friendship and the caretaker of the Castle of the Pony Sisters.

AJ: Pinkie Pie, do you feed Gummy gummy bears?

Pinkie : Yepidooles! I also feed him candy canes, cupcakes, and fruit punch!

Rarity: Twilight, what is your favorite book?

Twilight: My favorite book is An Abundance of Katherines by John Green.

Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash, do you like anypony?

All: *wake up*
Purplresmart: Where are we?

Flaming (Flaming Okaku): I don'r remember being in a place with science equipment....

Jeanine: Who wants to take the faction test?

Kim: YOU LITTLE *beep* *beep*!!!! GO *beep* YOUR OWN *beep* SORRY *beep*!!!!! *tackles Jeanine*

Jeanine: GUARDS!!!!

Hooded Figures: *take Kim away*

Kim: Let go of me you little *beep*!!!! I'm a *beep* princess for *beep* sake!!!!

Ash: Where are you taking her? *slowly backs away from Jeainie*

Jeanine: She'll be taking her test.....early. I think Kim doesn't need any exposition. *darkly smiles*

Angelic: W-what t-test?

Jeanine: It's not like a school test. We just use modern technology to see which of our actions you belong in.

Cali: What if you don't belong in any of  the five factions?

Jeanine: You don't want or need to know.

All Cast Members But Kim: *slowly back away*

To be continued....
Hey everybody! Another chapter finished! *throws confetti in the air*

Also, Mockingjay:Part 1 is coming out in only 5 days! (At least on teh day of this chapter's release) I've got my mockingjay pin and bow and arrow ready!

Sorry for the long wait for this chapter. :( Hope everoen has a fun-filled day!

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