(Late T_T) Throwback Thursday: Google Traslate Writed This Story!

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Me: Ever wonder what the chapters would sound like if I Google Tranaltate and other translation wesbites tralated them into different languages thn back into English?e

Random Person: No.

Me: Too bad cause' that's what this chapter is all about!

 Ask The My Little Pony Cast

Before:Pinkie Pie: Hi there!!!

Rainbow Dash: *tackles Pinkie to the ground* Calm down!!!

Twilight Sparkle: Never mind them. Your welcome to ask us anything you like. No inappropriate questions please.  We won't  answer them ,so don't bother.

Rarity: They can be about us six,

Applejack: the princess and Shining Armor,

Fluttershy: the Cutie mark Crusaders,

Pinkie Pie: Don't forget Equestrian history!!!

Rainbow Dash: *puts hoof in Pinkie's mouth* Calm down you crazy party pony!!!

Twilight: *Whispering*  How many cupcakes did she eat this morning?

Applejack: *whispering back* About ten or so.

Twilight: *mumbling* That makes since.

Rarity: Darling readers, don't forget to put your questions in the comments. *flips hair*

Rainbow Dash: Be quiet Pinkie!!!!!

Twilight: We'll be back after we calm sugar-crazy Rainbow Dash down.


Pinkie Pie: Hello !!!

Moors Dash: Pinkie * tackles * Calm down !!!

Twilight Sparkle: They do not care. You ask, what do you want your liking. There is another question. Have you no answer, so do not bother.

Rarity can be six,

Applejack: Princess and the *beep*,

Fluttershy beginning Mark Crusaders,

Pinkie Pie: Equestrian History will not forget !!!

Moors Dash: * little hoof puts in the mouth * Slow down you crazy pony party !!!

Twilight: * whispering * How many cupcakes eaten in the morning?

Applejack: * whisper * About the back or something.

Twilight: * And the murmuring of the Lord * for he that doeth it.

However, our readers, so as not to the questions raised in your comments. * * A hair Flips

Moors Dash: Pinkie Peace !!!!!

Twilight: We'll be back after we calmed down frantically Dash African javelins.

Tuilpstar664...This Is You....Again


Rarity: Applejack and Fluttershy, do you like Blaze the Pony?

Applejack: Who the hay is that?

Fluttershy: *excited* Is that a new animal?!

Twilight: *opens book* *shuts book* Nope, no animals called Blaze the Pony or Blaze.

KimDash11: How did you read that so fast?!

Twilight: I'm a magical pony princess, I can sort of do whatever I want.

Ask the My Little Pony Cast #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now