Happy Nightmare Night!: Part 1

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  • Dedicated to Cancer Victims

Twilight: *hears doorbell* COMING!!!

All Cast Members: Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!

Twilight: What are you all supposed to be?

Kim: I'm Elsa!

Ash: I'm Jack Frost! (*cough* I ship Jelesa *cough*) (P.S. for the cast members I just came up with random costumes so DON'T HURT ME! *someone throws book* Ha! Missed! *chair hits me* HEY!!!!!)

Blaze: I'm Salior Moon!

Flower: I'm Kim Possible!

Flaming Otaku: I'm Hermonie!

Cali: I'm Choco from ChocoMimi! (Look it up)

Angelic: I'm Anna!

Sliver Sword: I'm Erza! (Look it up)

Ragdoll: I'm Princess Luna! Hey, where's Purplesmart?

Purplesmart: *shouts from upstairs* COMING!!! *walks downstaris* I'm Twilight!

Twilight: And I'm Purplesmart! (You know, because there twins. :P)

Rainbow: *flies in* Daring Do has arrvied!

Pinkie Pie: *bouces in with a teapot on her head* Since I'm the Mad Hatter, I brought some tea!

Rainbow: Why on your head?

Pinkie: Because I'm the mad hatter silly!

Applejack: *walks in* I'm Katniss Everdeen! *shoots arrow at the wall*

Quill: I'm Ginny!

Flaming Otaku: *gives high five to Quill*

Rarity: I'm Misty and Opal is Psyduck.

Fluttershy: I'm Snowwhite. (Not quite sure if I spelled that right 0-o)

AJ: Let's tell scary stories!

Ragdoll: Me first! Me first!

AJ: Okay "Princess Luna", you can go first.

Ragdoll: This story is called, "The Haunted Ragdoll"


It was a happy day in Poneyville. In fact, it was Quill's birthday, so Flower and Cali were looking for a birthday present to give Quill.

Flower: Cali, we've been looking for hours. We'll never find a presnet in time for the party! *sighs*

Cali: *points to creepy toy shop* How about over there.

Flower: Sure, why not.

Both: *walk into shop*

Cali: Hello, is anybody home?

Old S.K. (Old Shopkeeper): How may I help you?

Flower: We need a presnt for our friend Quill. Do yo have any dolls or manga on you?

Old S.K.: Yes, I do have one, but it gomes with an acinet curse.

Flower: How much?

Old S.K.: Only 2 bits.

Flower: *gives old S.K. money* Deal.

Cai: Flower are you sure-

Flower: *takes doll* *leaves shop* It'll be fine.

2 hours later.....

Quill: Thank you so much everyone!

Cali: Here's a present from me and Flower. *gives ragdoll*

Quill: How cute! Thank you both!

Everyone but Quill: *leaves Quill's house*

Quill: *puts ragdoll on shelf* Time to hit the hay. *goes to bed*

?: Not so fast.

Quill: Wh-who's t-there? C-come out-t.

?: *wakes up staries* You'll make a great vessel for me to use.

Quill: Wh-what do y-you mean?

Quill's Ragdoll: *walkes up to Quill with unknown object* Don't worry Quill.

The next day.....

Flaming Otaku: *knocks on Quill's door* Hello, Quill. Are you in there? You haven't come out all day!

Quill: *opens door* Do come in, I've been expecting you.

Flaming Otaku: *walks in*

Quill: *locks door* You see my freind needs some help.

Flaming Otaku: How can I help?

Quill: He needs a new body, and I think you'll do the job.

Flaming Otaku: *slowly backs away* What do you mean?

Quill: Don't worr, everyting is going to be just fine.

Flaming Otaku: *screams*


All but Ragdoll: In a scared group hug.

Sliver Sword: That was scary!

Ash: I'll go next!

Kim: *tenes up*

Ash: I'll hold into you.

Kim and Ash: *make out*

RD: Uhh. Distugisting.

AJ: Let them have there moment.

Happy early Nightmare Night everyone. This is only part 1! I'll do as many parts as a can before the end of the month. Since October is Cancer Awareness month, all october chapters, starting with this one, will be decaitied to cancer victims. For the real Halloween I'm going to be Derpy Hooves! Comment below what you are going to be!

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