Happy Nightmare Night!: Part 2

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  • Dedicated to Cancer Victims

Angelic: It's Ash's turn to tell a story.

Ash: I call this one "The TV Trap"


Twilight had called Fluttershy and Angelic Sparkle over for a Doctoer Who marthion after a long day of work. She had gotten a new TV on her doorstep with a note saying"Try Ot this TV. It's sure to give you lots of frights". Twiloght was a bit creeped out, but pulgged it in anyway.

Fluttershy: *knocks on Twilght's door*

Twilight: *opens door* Come on in, I'm so glad you to could make it! I have popcorn and soda on teh living room table so help yourselves.

Angelic: Thank you Twilight. It was so very nice of you to have us over.

Twilight: No problem!

Fluttershy: *turns on TV*  I'll stay here while you two get some more snacks.

Angelic: Okay *Angelic and Twilight leave room*

Fluttershy: *goes through chanels* Now which channel is Doctor Who?

Channel: Prepare to face your worst fears!

Fluttershy: *clicks remore frantical* Let's change the channel!

Channel: You can't change change this channel!

Fluttershy: *is grabbed my a shadow* *is sucked into TV* TWILIGHT! ANGELIC HELP! HELP ME PLEASE! IS ANYBODY- *channel changes*

Twilight and Angelic: *walk back into room*

Angelic: Fluttershy are you here?

Twilight: She's probaly looking for Angel. I'll go see if she's upstairs. *walks upstairs*

Angelic: *flips through channels* "Ponyville Falls", sounds cool. *TV gets staic*

Channel: Not as cool as you think.

Angelic: Wh-what's going o-on? *shadow grabs her* *angelic is stuck in TV. *bangs on TV screen* LET ME OUT!!! TWILIGHT HELP!!! THE TV-*channel changes*

Twilight: *walks back downstairs* Now Angelic is gone to?! *sigh* I'll just look for Doctor Who until they get back. *flips through channels* Here it is.

Channel: *TV goes static* Are you sure this is the channel you were looking for?


Channel: Come closer Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight: *backs away* How do you know my name?

Channel: Don't run away Twilight. *shadow grabs Twilight* *Twilight is stuck in TV* *shadow leaves TV* *shadow destroyes TV* NOW I CAN TAK EOVER EQUESTRIA!!!!


Pinkie: I will never look at a TV the same way again.

Kim: I second that!

Flower: I thrid that!

Fluttershy: I fourth that!

RD: It's my turn to tell a story next.

Sliver Sword: *mumbles* Let's hope Rainbow doesn't let her big ego invade the story.

That was part 2! I'm on a roll, who knows how many of this I will be able to do? Also, I'm having a Halloween story contest! Whoever can write teh best Halloween story before 12:00 on October 31rst, will get a whole chapter decaited to her/his OC.


1. Please noting too grahic. Blood, scarems, dead bodies, and posses bodie sis teh hightest volience level aloud.

2. Keep cussing to a PG level (hell, heck, stupid, damn,ect.), for "4 letter" words use "beep" instead.

3. Have fun!

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