Saving Kim (Cast Members Only)

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Cali: Twilight left us with teh task of finding Kim while she calms down Ash.

Ash: *muffled by door* YOU DON'T GET IT!!! KIM COULD BE HURT!!! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT AROUND!!!! *muffled by gag*

Flower: *facehoof* Sometimes I wonder about the sanity of that guy....

Sliver Sword: Okay, what do we know?

Blaze: Kim was taken by Seto Kaiba, who is in charge of Kaiba Corb.

Angelic: He must be keeping her at Kaiba Korb!

Purplesmart: I'll cast I spell for us to get there. *casts spell*


Purplesmart: Remember there's no magic in this universe so all are humans.

Cali: That stinks.

Kaiba: *steps out of shadows* Such a shame that that was your only defense.

Sliver Sword: What have you done with our friend?!

Kaiba: Kim is taking a little nap.

Angelic: You killed her? *cries*

Kaiba: No you moron, she's knocked out.

Blaze: *mutters* Not much better if you ask me.....

Flower: Why do you want Kim anyway?

Kaiba: You see, I stumbled upon a portal a few weeks ago, and begain a pony. I found myself in a huge castle, but the prettiet thing is it was a girl who I saw through a opeing in a door. In order to see her some more I became I royal guard, I watched Kim a lot. I couldn't help but fell happy too when I saw her smile or heard her giggle.

Purpelsmart: Stalker...

Sliver Sword: Talk about it.....

Kabia: Then I saw her with that Ash boy, so I hired Chrysalis to get rid of him, and decided to kidnap Kim. I took her here so that nobody could take her away from me. Don't think I'm going to let you all ruin my plan.

Cali: You can;t do that?!

Angelic: She needs to be home with her friends.

Joey: *slams open door* I second that.

Kaiba: I see the geek sqaud decied to show up.

Yami Yugi: I knew you where up to something Kaiba as soon as I heard reports of a missing girl.

Kabia: What? How?

Flower: Never underestimate the power of a cell phone. 

Kaiba: Grr....

Kim: *comes out from shadows* Flower is right, it really can be a lifesaver.

Kaiba: I see you broke free.

Kim: It wasn't that hard. The ropes where easy to break through and I'm a brown-belt in karate.


Yami Yugi: She's the person we're trying to help save.

Tristen: Oh, sorry.

Kaiba: No saving is happening here. I can call the police at any mintuie and tell them that you where trying to hurt me and my brother, which would get you arrested, or Kim here stays with me.

(A/N The following is very chessy. DON'T HURT ME!)

All: DON'T DO IT!!!

Kim: I have to, it's better this way.

Kaiba:*puts arm around Kim's shoulder* Good choice.

Blaze: Will we ever see Kim again.

Kaiba: What do you think.

Tea: *shakes head*

Cali*tears up* Can't we at least say goodbye.

Kim: I'm never going to see my best friends after this. Please Kaiba, please.

Kaiba: Fine, but make it quick.

Cali: You're the strongest person I know, I know that you'll be fine, I'll never forget you.

Flower: You may not be this smartest, but you were always there to give everyone a smile when they needed it.  Thank you.

Sliver Sword: You're loving and caring to everybody and everything, someday, I don;t know how far or how soon, I just know we'll see eachother again.

Blaze: You have a spark of preference inside of you, don't let anyone put out it out.

Angelic: Don't let him control you, your heart will guide you on this journey.

Purplesmart: Kim, you are nothing short of teh bravets person I have ever might in my life.

Kim: I'll miss you all so much. *cries*

Yami Yugi: Kaiba, I knew you were cruel, but this is just plain evil. I never thought you would stoop this low.

All: *get into elevator*

Blaze: Yugi can you make me a promise?

Yami Yugi: Of course.

Blaze: Can you make sure that Kim is okay.

Yami Yugi: You bet on it.

Blaze: Thank you.

Poines: *enter through portal*

Ash: Where Kim?!

Purplesamrt: *cries* Kim, isn't-isn't-isn't

RD: I have a bad feeling about this.

Cali: Kim isn't coming back...


If you are drawing Kim and Ash here is what they look like:

Kim: plae skin, purple eyes, long bangs with hair in a high ponytail, tall, dirty blond hair, wings and horn are lavender, tail is lavender and white.

Ash: tan skin, messy carmel brown "Harry Potter" hair, brown eyes, horn blue, tail blue and navy blue, tall but shorter than Kim.

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