Pony Meets Marik

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(A/N Title is a Girl Meets Word pun! :D Girl Meets World belongs to Disney)

Ash: That's it I"m done waiting. I'm saving Kim!

Blaze: Yeah, I'm going to!

Flower: Me too!!

Angelic: But Kim made a deal...

Cali: *beep* that deal!

Purplesmart: I'm sure there's another way. *casts spell*

Ash: where are we, and where's my horn?

Flower: There's no magic in this world dummy.

Ragdoll: I don't think we're in Kaiba Korp.

Yugi: What are you doing in my room?

Angelic: Where Kim"s friends, we're here to save her.

Joey: *enters room* Good luck with that.

Cali: Why?

Tea: The whole place is under major security.

Ash: well I don't care.

Trsiten: Well you should. If you get caught you'll be arrested.

Flower: Kaiba could get arrested to though, he kidnapped someone.

Marik: He's rich, so they won't press charges.

Blaze: Drat. *looks at Marik*

Marik: *looks at Blaze*

Both: *blush*

Bakura: Well let's go then.

Blaze and Marik: *stay beheind*

Marik: I'm Marik. What's your name?

Blaze: *blushes* I'm Blaze.

Marik: That's a pretty name.

Blaze: You wanna go to the park?

Marik: *blushes* Of course.

Both: *walk to park*

Meanwhile at Kaiba Korp....

Kim: I don't have to do anything you say Kaiba!!!!

Kaiba: Really is that so.

Kim: The deal was that I stay here and you let my friends go.

Kaiba: You see, I can always track them down.

Kim: *in a quiet voice* What do you mean?

Kaiba: If you don't do what I say I'll hurt your friends.

Kim: You'll never find them!!

Kaiba: Oh really. *pulls up screen* It appears that your friends and the dweeb squad have teamed up to try to save you.

Kim: No, no....

Kaiba: What will it be?

Kim: Okay, as long as my friends are safe.

Meanwhile at the entrance to Kaiba Korp...

Ash: Time to break in to Kaiba Korp!!!! *runs into building*

Flower: *grabs Ash by his shirt collar* We need a plan first stupid.

Ash: Oops.

Flower: *drops Ash*

Joey: *runs up to guard* YOU BETTER LET US IN!!!!

Guard: Of course, Seto Kaiba is is expecting you.

All: What?

Yugi: I have a bad feeling about this.

Cali: Well too bad! *runs in to building*

Tristan: *faceplam*

10 Minutes Later.....

Angelic: *opens door* Um, we're looking for Kim.

Kaibia: You came to the right place.

Yami Yugi: Why did you let us in?

Kaibia: Revenge.

All: *give confused look*


Kaibia: Say that one more time and , well you know.

Kim: *nods*

Purplesmart: I think visting hours are over guys.

Tea: You think?

Kaibia: *locks door* You're not getting away that easily.

Joey: You're crazy man!

 Ragdoll: Let us out!!!!

Yami Yugi: Who do you want revenge on anyway?

Kaibia: His name statts with a A and ends with an H. *gives Ash evil glare*

Ash: Can't we stettle this peacfully?

Kaibia: I'm gonna destroy you.

Kim: *jump in front of Ash* No way.

Kaibia:*pulls out knife* You might wnat to back off.

Kim: No.

Kaibia: Fine then. *stabs Ash* 

Kim: *slaps Kabia* *beep* YOU *beep* *beep*!!!!!! *beep*!!!!!

Kaibia: *faints* 

Tea: *unlocks door*

Yugi: Nice metting you guys.

Ragdoll: Bye! *waves hand*

Kim: Thx for helping me!

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