Your Votes: Results Are In

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Here are the results.

Kim and Ash shipping name: Kash

Flutterdash or Fluttercord: Fluttercord (my fave MLP shipping ^_^)

Should the Main 4 be shipped: Yes

Do you like my new profile pic: Yes

Questions Still Up For Debate:

What should the group made up of Kim, Ash, and Purplesmart be called?

Should I add another person to the cast? (ONE PERSON ONLY)

Should I add Tris Prior to the cast? (Divergent)

Main 4, please message me on who you want to be shipped with. To save time, no boy OCs.

Coming up is The KimDash11 Hall of Fame. Since I've been on here or a little over 6th months, I find it right to reckonize a few people. Plase don't ask to be in it or if you are in it. You'll see soon.

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