A Visit

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Kim: *opens door* Ash, are in there.

Ash: *in a weak voice* Yeah.

Kim: *walks to hospital bed* I have something for you. *pulls out pot of flowrs* *puts them on beside table*

Ash: You're still the sweetest thing in the room.

Kim: Ash, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.

Ash: Stop that, it was my fault. I'm supposed to be protecting you.

Kim: *kneels by bed* Will you be okay?

Ash: The doctors say I'll be fine, but my arm will always be weak.

Kim: *tears in her eyes* I'm so, so sorry. I could have done more to help.....

Ash: Don't speak *leans in to Kim* *kisses Kim*

Kim: *blushes* *kisses back*

Ash: *breaks kiss* I will always love you.

Kim: *kisses check*

Ash: *blushes*

Kim: *whispers* I'll always love you too. *kisses Ash*

Ash: *kisses back*

Kim: *breaks kiss* Got to go, therapy session. *waves* Bye! *closes door*

Ash: *smiles*

This cahpter had one purose. To make you go "Aww" and "How cute", even "They finally kissed" for some. I hope you like this ahpter. :D XD :)

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