Arizona X Washington | Lies Lead To Love

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Today was a typical day. It was raining again, then again, it rained a lot. Thus the reason that it's so typical to me. David, my friend, was taking me out for coffee before i had to slip away to my job.

He glanced at me before placing our order. He payed for our drinks. Even though I insisted that he didn't have to do it. He answered simply.
"I'm taking you out. I'm buying." He chuckled and handed me my usual turtle mocha.

I gladly took it and began sipping it while looking out the window as we sat. David noticed that I was glaring at the strangers by the gas station as if they did something wrong. They didn't.

"Are you okay? You're acting...strange...?" Those words made me jump.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Not looking forward to work, that's all." I said.
"Erica, don't lie to me." David sighed and took a gulp of his hot chocolate. He didn't believe me. He didn't believe that I was fine. For all he knew, I could have been one of those people who lie so they don't have to converse for longer than needed.
"I'm not." I lied again. I didn't want him to know. He didn't want to know. Maybe he did.

"FINE!" I slammed my fist on the table and looked him in the eyes.

"I Like You." I growled.

"You don't sound like you do." David blushed.

I leaned over the table and lightly pecked him on the lips with him doing the same back.
Request...I dunno done

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