Felix Vs Meta

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Felix Vs Meta

Felix walked into the arena with murderous ambition an the hope to earn a few thousand dollars out of this. He'd been hired to do this by a friend. He cracked his knuckles and let out a big breath. He was ready. Readier than he'd ever be.

Meta had an intense expression on his face which was covered by his helmet. Oh, the things he could do. He could rip Felix apart if he really f-cking felt like it. He was big, bad, and wouldn't hesitate to beat the living sh-t out of Felix.

They both started setting up. Both grabbing a grenade and a magnum pistol. That was they're limit. They both only had one pack of spare ammunition to fight with. They were quick about this. They wanted to get it over with.

F.I.L.I.S started counting down.


Both of the men started glowering at each other from afar, walking in circles, keeping eye contact. It was intense. Hard. They both had one thing in common. Determination. They wouldn't stop until one of them dies.


The count down seemed to feel as if it were taking umpteen million years, but it wasn't. Counting by the thousands or the Mississippi. It was intense and they were both ready. Meta clenched his fists as Felix made an angry grunt. Should've been the other way around.

"1... you may begin."

That's when all hell broke lose and both of them ran full speed towards each other. Meta didn't even go after his weapons. He used his fists. He thought that, that was all he needed to win. He'd use his weapons if he needed.

Felix immediately grabbed his magnum and started aimlessly shooting at the weaving target. He started getting irritated. For the only thing he actually hit was the side of Meta's shin plate from twenty feet away.

Meta hopped back and forth, occasionally rolling towards Felix. He got down and kicked Felix's legs out from under him and stood up before running over and kicking him in the sides a few times. Felix was suddenly fueled with rage and grabbed the Meta's leg before twisting it, causing the Meta to flip over onto the ground.

Felix grabbed his gun and started shooting at main from a foot away, hitting him in the shoulder three times. That didn't stop Meta. Shoulder wound's weren't as fatal as a bullet to the chest, head, or stomach.

Felix didn't care. He wanted this to be slow and painful. He wanted Meta to suffer. Begging and pleading for Felix to kill him but that was a dream. A wish. Nothing like that would happen. Especially with the Meta.

Meta grunted with every shot before weakly getting up and quickly regaining his strength. He pulled the magnum and started firing. He hit Felix once in the shin and another time in the stomach.

Felix collapsed to the ground and looked at Meta before hearing four more gunshots and seeing nothing but black.

Meta was intense, shooting him over and over and over again in the head. He was angry and chucked his gun before growled and walking off.

"Agent Maine. One Point."

[I made this originally for an Red Vs Blue Amino post]

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