Simmons X Donut | Sleep

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"Autumn was a time which expected time to pass.
Yet, others continued to used contrast
Colors divided into a consistent pile of bloody reds and fire like oranges complimented with yellow.
They would separate the Winter from the Autumn."

Franklin was bored. He wrote poems to soothe his soul and sighed. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and continued writing for a class that he had. He loved the class, but they expected a lot from him, if not too much.

A loud knock came from the door. Franklin jumped a little. "Come in." He shouted. It was his roommate Richard Simmons. He faced back at his homework and thought some more.

"Cold from the warm and yet, never so warm." Franklin jotted down before he forgot. Richard was tired. His eyes were blood shot and he had bags under his eyes. "Hey." Rich said. Franklin nodded. "Hey." He greeted. Rich flopped onto his bed and groaned. "I Hate my damn life!" He yelled

Franklin took this by surprise because he was normally optimistic about the future. "Just make it stop!" Rich yelled. Franklin stood up and sat on Rich's bed. He layed next to Rich and smiled. "Just calm down." He said. Franklin began to mess with Rich's hair as he slowly fell asleep. So did he

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