Facts That Might Blow Your Mind

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The Golden Gate Bridge has the longest wires ever made.

Canada made the first UFO landing pad.

How to kiss was the most searched thing on YouTube from 2012-2015.

The scientific term for the butt crack is Intergludial Ceft.

Adam Savage was a host of Shark Week

You can buy an armpit fan that goes on the inside of the sleeve of your shirt.

Paris only has one Stop sign.

The largest chocolate bar was about a foot thick, 12×14, and 5795.5 pounds.

The popcicle was made by accident.

There are fainting goats.

Almost one billion birds die from slamming into glass.

It could be considered rude to tip someone in Japan enless you formally give it to them in an envelope.

Power Energy Toothpaste has caffeine in it which kicks in almost instantly.

Viegra was originally made to get rid of headaches and only accidently was able to give people random erections.

Diving Bell Spiders can use the air bubbles to swim under water.

Oombrellas can sense when it well rain, and when you seem to forget it by sending a message to your smart phone.

25-40% of people have motion sickness.

The smallest dog was measured to be about 15 cm from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail.

Tokyo has the first hedgehog café where you can interact with a small creatures and bring them home.

The Japanese Crab Spider has the longest legs of any anthropod which they measure to be 3.6 meters in length.

Koalas sleep for about 20 hours a day.

The Lagoona Argzon is a ring shaped bridge that encourages you to slow down and examine the view.

Omphalaphobia is the fear of Belly Buttons

Baby kangaroos can be as big as a wasp and as small as a grain of rice.

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