I: Starlit Funeral

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~Jaide's Point of view~

She held my body tight as I tried to calm her down.

"Oh Jaide!" Cyrine yelped as she sobbed on my shoulder, trembling in sadness that I couldn't bear to look at directly. I gently rubbed her back in immense sympathy.

"I know Cyrine..." I said softly in her ear. She continued to weep on my shoulder.

I felt so powerless, and at such a loss on what words to say. Her family.... Is dead...

Nobody understands how. I certainly don't, but here I am, comforting her, the way any friend should.

I flinched at the light coming through the colored glass in the chapel.

"I couldn't say goodbye or anything! They're gone..." She cried harder.

Seeing her like this broke me down as well, I started crying beside her; it's not possible for me not to share her pain. But then again, I still need to be stronger. Stronger for her.

Eventually, we both had to leave the chapel, but at least then, the tears were falling less.

A sweet person like her doesn't deserve this.

No one, deserves this.

6:59 P.M

We found ourselves sitting on benches on the outside of a Barnes and Noble.

"Hey Jaide?" She said softly.

"Yes Cyrine?" I reply.

"I... I don't want you to die." She said. She bit her lip and pulled her hair back.

Those words hurt me. I mean, I understood where they were coming from, but still.

"I'm not going to die Cyrine, I promise. I'm not gonna leave you here alone." I told her.

"....I'm sorry, I'm just.... I'm just so angry..." She sobbed as another tear fell from her eye.

I never thought that crying ever came from anger or sadness; just frustration. But Cyrine's emotions... They're a grayscale I couldn't begin to comprehend.

I guess I forgot to mention, there are only two of Cyrine's family that are alive. Her older brother, and..... the other one I forgot, actually. But I wasn't about to ask her now anyhow.

"It's getting dark out Cyrine, let's go back."

She smiled, "Yes, let's go."

So, then we walked towards my house. My mother, already hearing the news, prepared a room for her. She's always nice like that.

To distract her of her grief, I pointed out the stars that were illuminating our path. She loved astrology and would tell me all about Greek myths and things like that. So, we enjoyed the stars' presence for a bit.

The air around us became unusually cold, and stagnant. It felt as if ghosts themselves were watching over the two of us.

...Perhaps that feeling was just a coincidence.

~Reaperian Texts of Purgatoriis~

Purgatorio is a supernatural space that is parallel to the human physical world. It's where most

supernatural creatures inhabit to hide away from

human sight. If two creatures are on opposite sides of the two worlds, they cannot see or touch.

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