Part 22

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I could see people looking at me as I walked back onto the ward with Sara behind me, literally everyone knew, my work mates, the doctors, some of the patients and all the parents and families...

'Amelia can we have a word?' my mentor smiled as I looked towards Sara before looking back and nodding, following her already knowing what was coming...

'Look I know its not your fault but...'

'this is about the article right?' I sighed looking at the floor

'Yeah...its just I know it doesn't mention your profession in the magazine but all the staff are aware of your current relationship now and so are some of the parents of the patients and its giving you a bad name...'

'Im sorry...' I stuttered 'tears threatening to choke me again...'

'Your behaviour that's been stated is unacceptable from a childrens nurse...'

'Look...they've made me look really bad...its not fair...yes I did have a good night but it was New Years....with the papers referring me to a stripper...that really hurts...' I said tears falling down my cheeks

'I cant have your personal life being brought into your work...some of the parents have seen the article and asked for you not to treat there child...they think your uncabable...'

'I take my job very seriously...' I sniffled 'I've been capable of good care since I qualified years ago...' I said snapping a little

'Maybe its best if you take the rest of your shift off and go cant be working in this state...'

'Im really sorry...'

'Its not your fault...and I know whats been written isn't the truth...but I cant have it upsetting you or our patients...'

'I know...' I said looking at the floor

'I'll answer any questions the papers have got...if you just finish up with your patients obs and then take the rest of the day off'

'Sure' I said attempting to smile, wiping my eyes and walking back out of the staff room trying to put on a smiling face walking over to get my notes before approaching one of my patients....

'Emily is it ok if I take your temperature and blood pressure...' I smiled calmly kneeling down to her height as she nodded sweetly and I did what needed doing

'Don't let it get you down....' Her mum smiled

'What?...' I laughed trying to stop thinking about what had happened

'The article....right?...thats why she gave you a talk?' she said nodding over to my mentor

'Yeah....' I sighed 'I know everyone thinks im uncapable of care now they've seen the magazine...'

'Don't be silly....Emily will only let you treat her...she doesn't like any of the other nurses....your more

than capable....your brilliant' she smiled

' know I never thought it'd be this hard...'

'Im afraid that's what happens when your partner is in the public eye' she sighed 'Ive had that problem too, I know how you feel...'

'really?' I smiled

'Yeah...Emily's ex husband, Dwain Richards, the footballer...? I've experienced exactly what you've been through...'

'That's really encouraging...thanks...'

'Don't worry...everything will be ok...' she smiled

'Thankyou...' I said writing up the notes before saying bye, collecting my things and getting out of the hospital as quickly as I could, texting Ast and telling him I had to take the day off before driving home....

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