Part 43

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Exactly a year later and everything was more or less back to normal. I was back at work, my hair was covering the scar so you couldn't even see it, and Aston was working hard on reversals for their upcoming tour; but with three weeks until the first show, we both had a few days off and were going away for the weekend...Paris actually, Disneyland; the same place he took me on our first proper outing as a couple.

'I love it here...' I beamed, walking through the Disney gates, seeing cinderellas castle in front of us

'Me too...I get to be a kid again' Aston chuckled 'I did like the odd disney film...'

'Come on admit it, you wished you were a Disney princess when you were little' I laughed, he knew I was telling the truth

'Absolutely not, Prince Charming all the way...and your my Cinderella...' He smiled placing a sweet kiss on my cheek

'Do you realise how cringey that was?'

'I don't care...'

*Astons point of view*

There was another reason behind this weekend away, something Amelia didn't know, I was going to propose to her. I'd thought about asking her for a while, but now we've been together over a year and a half, I felt now was the right time. And with Disneyland being the first place we ever went away together, I thought it would be perfect. I had it all planned out, even involving some of her favourite disney characters, I just hoped it all went to plan and she said yes. I

managed to gain Amelia's dad's blessings to ask her to marry me and forgiveness for the accident, no matter how guilty I felt, He kept telling me it wasn't my fault, it was the other vehicle out of control. But despite that, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't thank god that my girl was still here and there was no long lasting damage, she was back to her old self, the one I fell in love with.

'Oh Aston look!' Amelia beamed looking at a Disney photo shoot set, people queuing up to get there photo with their favourite disney characters 'can we have a photo, a proper one?'

'Yeah of course' I chuckled as we joined the queue behind a group of what looked like school children

'OH MY GOD....' One of the young girls screamed

'Sweetie are you ok?' Amelia smiled kneeling to her height. The girl just stood there frozen

'ITS ASTON FROM JLS!!' She continued, tears falling down her face

'Jessica I thought there was something wrong. Don't shout please' a school teacher added as I chucked behind

'ah I see..' Amelia smiled 'Do you like JLS?'

'Yes I love them! Please can I have a picture with Aston?'

'Of course you can...' She laughed taking the disposable camera out of the small child's hands, instructing me to move in closer to pose

'My mummy is taking me to see JLS in a month in Manchester! I can't wait'

'We will have to look out for you then... I'll tell the others too' I smiled

'One more thing Aston...?' The young girl asked

'What?' I laughed as she reached up to whisper in my ear 'I think you should marry Amelia...I like her and she's a nurse'

'Ok' I whispered back laughing, what came out of some fans mouths never ceased to amaze me, but she was right, I was going to marry Amelia...I just need her to say yes...

As the day went on, we had pictures taken and went on numerous rides. The excitement of tonight was building up inside of me. I'd organised a meal outside in one of the small dining areas, only big enough for one small dining table situated right infront of the famous castle.

'Aston where are you taking me?'Amelia laughed as I guided her back into the park. She was looking absolutely incredible wearing a red dress and heels.

'I told you were going for a meal'

'Aston it's nine o clock...surely the park is closed?'

'Not for us it's not...' I giggled, she was so confused. But things became a lot more clear once we arrived at the dining area lit by candle light and decorated with pink and cream roses

'Aston this is did all this?' She said gobsmacked

'I got some people to help me out...' I shrugged

*Amelias point of view*

I think this was probably the most perfect night I'd ever experienced. Aston had gone above and beyond, he never ceases to amaze me that boy. There was Mickey and mini mouse, tinker bell, Winnie the Pooh and so many other disney characters bringing out food to the table and topping our wine up, it was incredible. As we finished our meals and drank the last of the wine, Aston guided me nearer towards the castle...saying to just look ahead. Looking up into the sky I began to see sparkling fireworks lighting up the sky, all different colours and bursting into glitter in the sky. My eyes were fixated on the display in front of me, I was gobsmacked that Aston would do this for me, every sparkle in the sky proving to myself how lucky I was to have such a perfect life. It was silent for a couple of seconds before one last fireworks shooted into the sky, I was so fixated on the pictures in the sky that I didn't even realise Aston had let go of my hand. Reading into the sky I saw the words I'd wanted to hear since I was a little girl

'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' Burst into the night sky in crystal fireworks

'Oh my god...' I gasped

'So?' Aston smiled, turning round I realised he was now kneeling on one knee, the most beautiful diamond ring sitting perfectly in a Tiffany box 'I love you with all my heart and we've faced the world together over the past year and a will you...Amelia...marry me?' He smiled lovingly

'Of course I will!' I sniffed, a tear of joy falling down my face as he slid he ring into my finger. I was so happy and in love and I knew we'd stay like that forever. I guess some people did get their happily ever after after all...and I was one of them



Please comment, may write another one, if anyone wants to be main character or has any ideas for new story let me know! Xx

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