Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup

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Today was no average day, it was the Quiditch World Cup! The Weasley's were taking Hermione and Harry. Hermione came to the burrow really early in the morning. She knocked on the door.

   "Why isn't Hermione?" Arthur Weasley asked after he opened the door for Hermione.

   "Yes sir." Hermione responded back.

   "Well the boys are upstairs. Ron and Harry are in Ron's bedroom so you can go get them if you want."


   Hermione went up to Ron's room. When she entered she saw Harry have one of his bad dreams again.

   "Harry?" She said as she shook him a bit. "Wake up!"

   "Hermione?" Harry said in shock. "When did you get here?"

   "Just a few minutes ago," she said. "Ron wake up!"

   "Bloody hell Mione." Ron said partially freaked out.

   "Honestly both of you get up and get dressed...and don't go back to bed!"

   After everyone was ready, Arthur, Fred, George, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all went into the woods for a walk.

   "What are we looking for Dad?" Fred asked.

   "I don't know." Arthur said back to his son. "Something Muggles wouldn't expect to be a port key."

   "Port key?" George asked.

   "Don't question just look."

   They looked around the woods yet couldn't find anything. Just many trying to find something they don't know what they are looking for. Arthur saw someone in the distance.

   "Kids follow me." He said to everyone.

   They walked closer to the person he saw. Hermione and Ginny were together while Ron and Harry were walking together and then Fred and George.

   "Is that you Amos Diggory?" Arthur said before coming close to the person to see their appearance.

   "Arthur, we found the port key! Had to wake up at 2:00 to find it and get here." Amos said to Arthur with joy.

   "Perfect." Arthur said to Amos

   "And who are you with today?" Amos asked.

   "Amos, you know my children, Fred, George, Ron and Ginny and Harry and Hermione is joining us which are Ron's friends."

   Then out of the blue, a older boy just jumped off the 12 foot tree they were right near. He looked like he just turned seventeen with light brown hair and gray eyes.

   "This strapping young lad must be Cedric." Arthur said to the young boy.

"Yes sir." Cedric said back.

   Hermione gave that look to Ginny. It's that look we give to our friends when we see someone attractive. Don't lie, everyone does it when a friend is around and you both see an attractive boy right there.

   Cedric said hi to everyone else. They all said hi back except for Fred and George. They just have him a look which wasn't the best way to say hi. They still haven't fully forgiven him from the Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor match last year. After that match, Cedric Diggory was the most hated player for the Gryffindor Quiditch team except for a few like Harry.

   "Excuse me to interrupt but, where is the port key?" Harry asked Arthur and Amos.

   That was a mistake for Harry to say because he and Amos had a long talk about Cedric. While they were doing that Hermione and Ginny were both paying attention to the most attractive one out of them all.

The Secret Love: A Cedric Diggory and Hermione Granger  fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now